As in the UK, I woke up this morning to a thick blanket of snow. Although unlike at home, the temperature shot up today to a whopping 7 or 8 degrees so this snow soon started to melt and turn into a mush.
After watching the weather for a couple hours, nothing was changing so I bundled up and braved the snow. My plan was to visit some of the nearby towns along the lake but after minutes I was so wet from the slush that this plan went out the window. Instead I stoped at the supermarket to buy some nice Italian food then back home to dry off.
After some lunch and with dry socks Vittorio drove me to the old part of Sirimone.
Built on a natural peninsula, the old town is walled and to enter, one must pass by this pretty impressive castle and garehouse.
At this point the rain was pretty heavy and my feet wet again. I started to wonder what on earth I was doing walking out on a day like this…
Saying that, I soon realised that no one being around meant I could sing along to my mp3 as loud as I liked… and I did ☺ all day.
Walking along the lake side I soon came to a spot where the thermal waters pass into the lake. I smelt it before I saw it, the sulpher was pretty strong. The town has a famous spa which used this water and it seems to be the place to be today.
Later I found this lovely little Medieval church. No one was around do I stoped singing and went to look inside.
Beneath the alter are the runis of the original church from the 1000’s.
I’ve been to Suriname with Jake and Mark but we didn’t explore the town so much. It was lovely to have a walk through end admire the old building, all well maintained due to the masses of tourism this area received in the summer.
That evening Vittorio and I made tiramisu (A first for me!) and I introduced him to David Attenborough.