Skillbuilders Super LOV disappearing on APEX 5 modal page

I use the Skillbuilders Super LOV liberally throughout my APEX applications.  I had one instance where the LOV exhibited strange behavior when on a modal page.

When entering a search string in the LOV and either pressing the search icon or pressing TAB, the LOV behaved as expected.  If I pressed ENTER instead, the LOV modal page appeared for a split second and then disappeared and the page would submit.  I could not tell if you the fact that it was on a modal page made a difference or not, although I have used the control on a modal page before.

My researched showed that several others had experienced this same issue but not a lot of solutions were found.  The only solution I did find pertained to having a hidden column as a map to item in the LOV, which was not the case for me.  You can view the discussion for this solution here:

I tried deleting and rebuilding the LOV and placing it in a different position on the page with no luck.  The workaround I finally came up with was to code the ENTER key to perform as the TAB key on my modal page.  To do this, add the following code to your page:

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