Two years ago, Law Wyman went undercover for an FBI investigation that went sideways. It cost him both the love of his life and his sanity. The nightmare still haunts him, and so does some unfinished business…Ian Mayne, the son of the man who ruined his life.
Two years ago, Ian had to face the truth about how his father spent a lifetime torturing and trafficking LGBTQ teens. Ever since, Ian has done everything he can to make up for his dead father’s many sins through his law enforcement job. Too many paid in horrific, horrible ways at his father’s hands while Ian kept the truth about his own sexuality hidden.
Law is doing all he can to save Ian, but Ian has no idea about Law’s history with his dead father. When the truth comes out, it could cost them both everything.
Two men…both horrifically haunted by what happened. Is it possible they can find healing together? Only if they have the courage to face their demons and each other…
I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for this book. Law has been breaking my heart since the beginning of the series. In Snowcroft Lost, Law lost the love of his life. In Snowcroft Safehouse, readers spent time getting to know him even better and in the process he broke my heart even more. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m kinda glad that we had to wait for Law’s HEA. It gave both Law and Ian a chance to not only find themselves, but each other. (That doesn’t mean that Ms. Snow has been totally forgiven however… her #EvilAuthor status is still in good standing.)
I never got as attached to Ian as I did to Law, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t feel for him. He had suffered totally different losses, but they were just as haunting – which left him just as broken. His need to pay back for his father’s sins took him away from Snowcroft on a mission to save a friend.
Which brings us to the fact that this book had two parts. The first was away from Snowcroft, where Ian went on a solo undercover operation to find a missing friend and Law went to offer his support – whether Ian wanted it or not. Even though Ian barely knew Law and his history, Law wasn’t in the dark at all. He not only wanted to help Ian, he was attracted to him. That attraction only grew the closer they got to each other and given the circumstances they were thrown into, closeness was inevitable.
These two had a few emotional obstacles to get around, but they were so good together, their HEA was inevitable. I knew better (knowing this author) than to relax once they finally made it back to Snowcroft in the second part of Snowcroft Restoration. It was great having them back in familiar territory though, especially since they were surrounded by family and friends. There were still some emotional hurdles, but I loved watching their plans unfold and the ‘restoration’ begin.
Danger, heat, emotion, humor and a strong sense of family. This series pretty much has it all. I’m really, really happy that their is more to come and the introduction of some new Snowcroft residents is guaranteed to keep things interesting. I can’t wait to see what Christi Snow has in store for readers next. ❤