Hello and Happy New Year!
The bitter cold weather that had descended upon us in mid December seems to be gone and we are having more typical winter weather. It is a relief to be sure….it was just TOO cold! But is is still a long way until Spring so, as usual, I have filled the house with cheery primroses!
They are a reminder that Spring will return and the gardens will again be filled with color.
These little daffodils will have to do until Spring arrives outside. Last year at this time we were in Ireland and daffodils were up…not blooming yet, but up. But here in New England everything sleeps beneath the snow….it will be months before the daffodils emerge.
Merlin has called a truce and come upstairs. The cellar was too cold and he missed his heater. Fiona is VERY excited to see him upstairs…but of course he still won’t play with her. She chases him and he leaves. No fun at all!
So she chews on her toys by the fire…
She is also busy with her rehab exercises. As you may remember, she injured her knee a few months ago. Surgery was recommended but not until her growth plates close which would take a few months. So she doesn’t lose all the muscle mass in the injured leg while she waits, she has PT exercise to do.
We call the blue circle thing the “cookie machine.” She steps on it with her front feet and you wave a cookie around so she keeps shifting her weight on the back legs. It keeps the injured leg engaged. But as far as Fiona is concerned, the purpose of putting your feet on it is to produce cookies. She loves it and never misses an opportunity to get a cookie. The black dish is similar..front feet on it and she pivots around it with her back feet. And another cookie is produced. How wonderful!
These are cavellettis. The bar is adjustable and she has to walk through, stepping over the bars and using each foot…no cheating and not using the lame leg. The first hole (6″) was nothing but the second hole (9″) is challenging. But she has been practicing and cookies are given so it is all good.
Today she went to the Vet to have more X rays to see if her growth plates have closed and to see how the knee looks. She has been doing so well in rehab and shows no signs of lameness that I have been hoping that the knee has healed.
And perhaps it has. The X-rays showed no fluid (which would indicate inflammation and a compromised ACL ligament.) The little bump that indicated she had pulled the ligament away from the bone, is gone. You can’t see the actual ligament on the X-ray so nothing is certain. But surgery may not be needed. If the ligament has reattached to the bone and healed, it should be secure..and she should be fine. Unless it is not lined up right and it causes the ligament to tear. That is what isn’t clear. But her growth plates have closed and her muscle mass is good in both legs. So we will continue with the rehab exercises AND she can have a longer leash for walks…and romp a bit. We shall see how is goes but we are cautiously optimistic that we are on the road to recovery…she may not need surgery after all!!! Such good news!!!
Fiona is tired after her big morning (and some sedation for the X-rays) but it won’t be long until she is herself again and ready for some fun!