We don’t have to figure out our life’s right now,

we still have alot of places to visit,alot of new people to come and go,

Alot of things to try, a little more to cry

Alot of heartbreaks to feel, alot of scars to heal. 

Maybe what matters the world to you right now, is just a lesson. 

Wait and breathe along the universe , the best on your table is yet to serve.

Worry a little more maybe ? But laugh a little loud, So that you won’t be hearing the criticism from the crowd.

Trust your intuition and go along wherever life takes you.

You won’t be with the person who mean everything to you right now, but you will be no less beautiful than this.. Because you are you , growing up a little everyday! 

Learning alot of stuff, but don’t stick up on things.

‘Don’t hold onto things so tightly’

Let it all go!

Somewhere something is meant to make you happy , is waiting for you to realise. 

Your happiness is not defined by the outer world but only and only in your inner sense.

Don’t wait for dying, keep living the best of your life. You cannot wait the best days of your life for someone to love you back.

If it’s not happening, find wisdom to  understand that universe have bigger plans for you. 

Don’t force people and conversations, don’t give it a try everytime, if they left someone else is about to come. 

Make space for that , Let it all go and Let it all come 

The world doesn’t end for you , it’s just the part of that person that has ended for you.

We don’t have to figure out our lives yet!

-Shreya Minocha

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