Greetings to all our beloved faithful brethren and to all the saints in Christ our Lord Jesus, grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your Daily Scriptural Devotion for today: (Scripture taken from the Amplified Version of the Bible).
The Book of Matthew Chapter number 23 verse 12 and it reads as follows:
” Whoever exalts himself [with haughtiness and empty pride] shall be humbled (brought low), and whoever humbles himself [whoever has a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly] shall be raised to honor. “
Take note of that, the Word of God, this is Jesus, those who walk in the Spirit of humility the Lord shall exalt them!
Remember, it was the Spirit behind pride that caused the downfall of Lucifer. He wanted to be like God! He rebelled against God. Be a Child of God with a difference. Learn to love, love can be taught.
See, Jesus has taught us how to love. John chapter 3 verse 16 talks about, ” For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
You ask the Lord Jesus, God help me to love enough. Clothe yourself with the Spirit of Humility. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher and He will help you gladly. The Lord shall raise to honor a man who is indeed humble. Let this year of 2018 be different for you!
Be blessed today the 11th of January 2018. January is the Month of A New Dawn for you!
2018! The Year of Tearing Down Strongholds!

“Your Finances in the Kingdom of God, stores up treasures in Heaven for you and your household.” Amen
PRIM [Pure Rock International Ministries], is looking for partners who can help partner with us to take this Gospel of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the World! Jesus is the reason we live! He gives hope to the hopeless! He gives life to the lifeless! Come on board and let us row this blessed boat together!
Your Financial Contribution is important to us. We will hold hostage this world in this year 2018 for Jesus! Amen!
Gospel Financiers come and help build up the Kingdom of God here on this planet earth! Let us be world shakers of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with our financial contribution!
Whatever contribution you may feel moved to give, be it $38.00 ; $100.00 ; $150.00 or $200.00; let it be according to the leading of the Holy Spirit in you. Please may you contact the number or email address showing below for more details on becoming a PRIM Partner:
078 590 4357 or [email protected]
“Partnering with God is a lifetime Partnership of PROSPERITY”
Please follow our link below to receive your PRIM Soul Booster [SB]. These daily devotions will uplift you and feed your soul. Please feel free to read our archived articles the Word of God never expires , it has the Divine Powers of God to renew our minds daily!
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