The other day I came across an old bucket list I had made a while ago.
It feels so good to look through this list and cross a few of them off.
What’s on your bucket list?
- Step foot on all 7 continents
- Go to Europe
- Ride an ostrich
- Learn a new language
- Run a 1/2 Marathon
- Run a (full) marathon
- Trek the Inca Trail
- Sky dive!
- Bungee Jump
- Climb a REALLY tall mountain
- Start my own business
- Sing on a real stage
- See the Northern Lights
- Plant a tree and watch it grow
- Publish a book
- Do a public speech in front of 1000+ people
- Go on a blind date
- Move to New York
- Hail a cab in NYC
- Learn how to read music
- Go on a really long road trip
- Act in a film
- Knit a scarf
- Create my dream home
- Go on a meditation retreat
- Go on an African Safari
- See Cherry Blossom trees in Japan
- Fly first class
- Fly on a private jet (you’d think working for a PJ company would have helped with this one…)
- Fly in a helicopter
- Visit a castle
- Make a change in the world.
- Donate over a million dollars in my lifetime
- Treat my best girlfriends to a retreat, all together
- Be a mentor
- Try pole dancing
- Take a self defense course
- Watch all the Oscar winning movies
- Dip into a thermal hot spring in Iceland
- Trapeze
- See a Broadway play, on Broadway
- Own a beautiful chandelier
- Learn to sew (I break all of my clothes…. so this one is important)
- Do a 1/2 Iron Man
- Own a pool
- Get a ukelele, learn how to play, and jam often.
- Have theme music follow me for a day, as if I were in a movie!
- Horseback ride on a beach
- Learn French.
- Go to Paris with Ali
- Cut my hair short
- Dye my hair a crazy color
- Dog Sled
- Explore a cave
- Get a tattoo
- Swim with Sharks
- Jump off a cliff
- Jump off a bridge
- Ride in a hot-air balloon
- Cover the bed in rose petals
- Sail a boat
- Chase a tornado
- Hike every trail in a state park
- Hold a monkey
- Kiss in the rain
- Milk a cow
- Name a star
- Watch baby turtles run to the ocean
- Sleep in a stable on a haystack
- Watch a caterpillar turn into a butterfly
- Attend a high school reunion
- Attend a same-sex wedding
- Be a bridesmaid
- Meet a world leader
- Surf
- … Become a better surfer
- Share a cab with a stranger
- Blow glass
- take a pottery class
- Have personal stationary
- Send thank you notes to everyone
- Be a brunette for a day
- Make a coloring book
- Apply for a reality TV show
- Attend a fashion show
- Be on the cover of a magazine
- Dance with Ellen Degeneres
- Eat alone at a restaurant
- Go to a drive-in movie
- Go to Nascar
- Go to a Canucks vs. Montreal Canadians game
- Record a song
- Explore a rainforest
- See a live volcano
- Sleep in a haunted house
- Ride a mechanical bull
- See a TED talk live
- Be a leader in my field
- Ride a segway
- Earn six figures a year
- Flip a house
- Cook with a celebrity chef
- Touch a pyramid
- Drink from a fresh coconut
- Drink moonshine
- Go on a wine tasting tour in the Okanagan
- Go to Napa
- Leave a 100% tip for a server
- Make fresh pasta
- Shuck oysters
- Float in the Dead Sea
- Be a tourist in Vancouver
- Be on a jumbotron at a stadium
- Wear a fresh lei
- Find treasure
- Find a pearl in an oyster
- Invent something
- Join a book club
- Learn to juggle (Shayne…?!)
- Get a henna tattoo in India
- Own an original piece of art
- Smoke a fine cigar
- Start a blog
- Start fire without matches
- Stay awake for 24 hours
- Write my name in wet cement
- Walk nude on a nude beach
- Be an organ donor
- Complelte 24 hours of silence
- Make a significant change in someones life
- Meet the Dalai Lama
- Pick up the tab for the person behind my at Tim Hortons in the drive-trough
- Send a care package to a soldier
- Read a banned book
- Start a charity
- Unplug for a week
- Write a letter to my future self
- Watch an Olympic sport live
- Walk the great wall of China
- Go ice-fishing
- Not fall/trip for an entire day
- Tap dance
- Ride a unicycle
- Fall in love with my person
- Swim in the worlds largest pool (Chile)
- Drink beer at Oktoberfest
- Stand in front of the Taj Mahal
- To be continued….