The Christmas Promise by Sue Moorcroft

This week’s blog post is going to be my review of Sue Moorcroft’s ‘The Christmas Promise’. I read this book in just over a week which for me is a good sign of it being a good book due to being so busy but unable to put this book down until finished!

This book focuses around main character Ava Blissham and how she is dealing with her financial troubles around Christmas due to lack of profit when selling her hand-made hats. At a work’s party she was invited to by best friend and roommate Izz she meets the manager of the PR company Sam. Without realising it she is caught up in a ‘faux dating’ scenario with Sam in order to please his mum Wendy due to her having ovarian cancer. This novel follows the couple through ups and downs as Ava is dealing with an ex boyfriend, Harvey, who is stalking her and threatening her with indecent photos of herself and so this novel also follows Ava and Sam through her trying to deal with this by herself but getting all the help from Sam in order to sort it out.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads as I really loved the story line and the writing was brilliant and it always kept me coming back for more. However, at some points I was getting quite aggravated by the way scenarios went, although this kept me on the edge of my seat to find out whether my predictions were right or not it still annoyed me a little bit!

Overall though, this book was a fantastic read and definitely brilliant for a Christmas read. It gave me all the warm feelings I expect to feel when reading a contemporary novel and especially more so when it is centred around Christmas – my favourite time of year!!

-BookishLifeRambles x

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