The Elite Warrior Series Finale is Coming! Catch Up Now! Elite Metal – The Beginning

Elite Metal
An Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set

(Elite Warriors Book 1)
Eight novels from some New York Times, USA Today and award winning bestselling authors! Eight individual novels that create one giant book! One story leading into the next into the next! This is like no other boxed set you’ve ever seen before!!!!!!!!

Bound by Steele – Jennifer Kacey and Anna Alexander
Chrome’s Salvation – Jennifer Kacey
Adamantium’s Roar – Anna Alexander
Pure Copper – Heather Long
Sterling’s Seduction – Sabrina York
Platinum’s Choice – Rebecca Royce
Mercury’s Poison – Saranna DeWylde
Forged in Silver – Roxie Rivera

Elite Metal

For decades the US Marines funded a top-secret unit known as Elite Recon. A deadly group of men and women sent to infiltrate dozens of countries completely undetected. Mission objectives so extreme casualties were not only probable, but expected.

The current batch of operatives had returned from hundreds of assignments unscathed…until one mission went horribly wrong. Several men lost their lives and the group disbanded. The remaining leathernecks were scattered in the wind with new identities. They were told to blend in. Be normal. Or face being forever silenced just like their fallen brothers.

Now, two years later, each living member of the group is kidnapped and given a chance to make things right. But this time they’re no longer under the thumb of Uncle Sam. A mysterious private backer who knows about their past has brought them back together. No longer are they forced to turn a blind eye to the lost and forsaken.

Duty is their salvation.

A new life. A new future…Elite Metal.

Bound by Steele

by Jennifer Kacey and Anna Alexander

To save his Marine brothers and sister he must accept the past isn’t dead and buried. Reuniting survivors means he is forced to first forgive…the enemy.

The mission is to take down Valdimir Babikov AKA Red Wolf. Steele is in charge of the mission even though most of his team is on leave. A bad feeling, a missing informant and Operation Phoenix went totally FUBAR.

Forced underground by the government, the surviving members of Elite Recon are scattered. Steele lives with the pain of seeing his best friend Zane die during that mission. Zane’s dog tags are still around his neck a reminder of his vow to one day get revenge. Then he is taken by an unknown benefactor and set on a mission to bring down the one who tipped off Red Wolf on that fateful day.

Alayna was on the run for two years, labeled a traitor and in fear for her life. Then the benefactor and creator of Elite Metal brought her into the fold. Now she would be paired with Steele to bring down the bastard who blew her cover and finally have peace with what had happened.

This is a favorite scene as they prepare for their mission.

Revenge for his brothers and have this beautiful woman under his command? His arousal returned tenfold and before he thought better of it, he picked up the velvet box closest to him and lifted the lid. A shiny solitaire diamond in a silver setting winked at him in the glow of the computer monitors.

An invisible band wrapped around his chest and squeezed as he held out the ring to Alayna. “I believe this is for you,” he choked out.

Her hand trembled ever so slightly as she reached for the box, then looked up at him with eyes large and smoky with both uncertainty and longing.

His cock hardened further as she slid the ring onto her finger, and he reached for the long box. Inside lay a collar made of braided leather in black with a ruby circle in the center. On either side of the ruby were silver circles, large enough to snap the latch of a leash onto.

Alayna gasped and the rise and fall of her chest picked up as she gazed at the collar in his hands. The tip of her tongue swept across her full lips and his cock kicked in response ready for the touch of her mouth.

Fuck it all. He may have found the mission to finally kill him. But hell, what a way to go. “Can you do this, Alayna? Can you submit to me?” With the stakes this high, he was going to push her past the point of no return if it got them their man. “Do you want to continue?”

She glanced at the ring on her finger then straightened her spine as she looked him in the eye. “I do.”
Elite Metal: Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set (Elite Warriors Book 1) (p. 29). Never Settle Publishing. Kindle Edition.

A fast paced sexy drama, one that allows Steele to show his true Dominant nature with a very hot natural submissive. All while on a mission to get Red Wolf’s number one guy.This is the beginning of getting the survivors of that fateful mission back together.

5 Contented Purrs for Jennifer and Anna!

Chrome’s Salvation

by Jennifer Kacey

A former leader of Elite Recon, reduced to nothing more than an apathetic existence. Until his girl’s life hangs in the balance…now nothing will stand in the way of him coming back to life.

There was something about the woman with the screaming child next him on the plane. Almost like she called out to him for protection. Chrome knew it was crazy, yet he followed and watched her until she reached her car.

The next thing he knows he is drugged and waking up bound to a chair with a hood over his face. Yes, there is a theme here, a necessary one.

Chrome didn’t want to join, just like Steele in the beginning. The circumstances and the mission were enough to convince him.

Cammie, the woman from the plane, is the director of a very successful international adoption agency. One Red Wolf wants to exploit with the worst sort of human trafficking. To obtain her cooperation he kidnapped her twin siblings and sent Korovin to convince her to turn over her databases.

Cammie and Chrome meeting is a favorite scene this is a small part of it.

Her instant trust in him filled something up in him he didn’t want to admit was empty. A void he’d lived with so long it was a part of him.A big part.

“We’ll get them back.” The words came from him. He didn’t even remember his head telling his lips to move. But they were the truth and he stuff by them.

“How can you be so sure?”

He admired that she didn’t just take him for his word. This was too important to bluster over. “These men— the ones who took your siblings— are the lowest of the low. No conscience, no remorse. It makes them cold and calculating. But money and power don’t keep you warm at night. We have reasons we’re fighting. We have reasons why we’ll win. Fate. Karma. Those ass holes are going to be meeting both. Soon. And I’m going to personally make sure they’re introduced.”

She still seemed uncertain.

Then and there he made a second promise to himself that he’d take down Korovin and Red Wolf in the process. On his fucking own. The world would be a better place without them. He palmed her cheek. “And one other reason.”

“What’s that?”

“I promise. And I never break a promise.”
Kacey, Jennifer, Elite Metal: Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set (Elite Warriors Book 1) (pp. 137-138). Never Settle Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Somehow watching Chrome fall in love is very amusing, especially as he unsuccessfully tries to fight it. The interaction between him and Cammie is heartwarming. Cammie’s devotion to her kids, her siblings is as if they had been born to her, not adopted.Between the mission itself and the sizzling hot sex, this story steamed off the page.

5 Contented Purrs for Jennifer!

Adamantium’s Roar

by Anna Alexander

Adamantium left Beth to what he thought was a better life, only to find she had been living in hell. Now he’ll do anything, break any vow, to claim her as his for all time.

The last person Ant expected to see in the Bare Bones Bar is Beth, especially not in the clutches of a sleazy bookmaker. He knows he has to get her away, in a backwards kind of way it’s his fault.Beth doesn’t want to be rescued, she’s scared to death of Chesterfield. She is nothing but a possession to him, one that owes him money because of her late husband.  Two more years and she would be free of her debt. Then she can start over.
Ant didn’t waste any time finding her, this is one of my favorite scenes.


Crack! Boom!The back door flew open in a shower of splinters and slammed into the wall with enough force to shatter the nearby window.She sat up with a startled shout and stared in shock and awe at the vision of Adamantium standing in the doorway with a determined set to his jaw and an unwavering dominance shining in his eyes. He had strapped a gun belt around his lean waist and a Kevlar vest hugged his chest. With the sunlight streaming in behind him, he looked like an avenging angel, and he was on a mission hell-bent on salvation.

The heavy clomp of his boots on the tile echoed in her ears like bass drums as he strode toward her. His big hand reached for her and grabbed her sleeve, jerking down with a vicious twist and ripping the cloth off her arm before tossing it aside. The brush of the cool air-conditioned air on her overheated flesh broke her reverie.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she shouted.

“Kidnapping you,” he replied with all seriousness as he snagged her wrists in one hand and bound her with a plastic zip-tie he withdrew from his back pocket.

“Are you insane?”

“Nope.” He dropped her hands then swept his arm across the counter, sending the coffee maker and canisters flying in all directions. “If I make it look like you didn’t go willingly, Chesterfield has no reason to go after your daughter.”

“You don’t know that.”

“It’s all I’ve got to work with. And I’m not leaving you behind. Trust me on this, sunshine.”

“Trust you? Upfh—” He stuffed a bandanna in her mouth and tied the ends around the back of her head. “I’ll explain when we get someplace safe, but go ahead and start fighting me now. It’ll make all this look more believable.”

Sweet baby Jesus. He was insane. Did he take one too many concussive blows to the head in the military?
Alexander, Anna, Elite Metal: Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set (Elite Warriors Book 1) (pp. 228-229). Never Settle Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Then the fun really begins. Not only has he upset the apple cart but it seems Chesterfield has connections to Red Wolf. On top of that it seems his Beth has some kinky proclivities that he needs to learn to satisfy.Some very, very hot bondage and spanking scenes. Seeing Ant as a fledgling Dom was eye opening. Most of the Doms I have read are already established, so this was really a treat!

5 Contented Purrs for Anna!

Pure Copper

by Heather Long

Copper will do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it means seducing and betraying the one man who really sees her.

Copper is the only woman on the team, but don’t tell her that. Operation Phoenix took away more than just her identity and her teammates it also took her love. Brad was a member of that team that didn’t make it back. She owes Red Wolf revenge.
Merc has been her best friend since childhood and as fate threw them together on the teams, he is also her self appointed protector.Gabriel Daniels is retired CIA, now teaching with no hope of finding the mysterious beauty that caught his eye. First in Miami and then again in Nigeria she slipped by him, but he sees her, recognizes what few can. Then she walks into his classroom, is he her next target?This is a favorite scene that takes place shortly after their initial meeting.

“Damn, Copper. If I was so bad you’ve forgotten me in a couple of hours, why don’t you make our lunch date a dinner one instead, so I can do better?”

Amused in spite of herself, she took a sip of her coffee to keep from smiling. “I’m a big believer in first impressions counting.” And he had made a hell of a first impression.

Currently, her body was very interested in seconds.

“Funny, I agree with you. Have dinner with me.”

“No.” She took another drink.

“Fine, I’ll have dinner with you.” Easy charm rolled in those syllables, and she actually had to bite the inside of her lip to not laugh.

“Still a no,” she managed. Across the table, Merc had gone predator silent and his stare drilled into her. No way should she be having this conversation in front of him.


The woman who’d played with Gabriel in the lecture hall would have chuckled. Copper refused. “Do you have an issue with the word no?”

“Only when it conflicts with my being able to see you again.” Gabriel sighed.
Long, Heather, Elite Metal: Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set (Elite Warriors Book 1) (pp. 342-343). Never Settle Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Oh the tangled web we weave as Copper and Gabriel both struggle to have something they want, each other.These two are explosive together, and Merc as always tries to protect her yet stay away. Totally in love with this couple and the rest of the team as well.

5 Contented Purrs for Heather!

Sterling’s Seduction

by Sabrina York

When a snoopy reporter threatens the Elite Metal, Sterling will do whatever it takes to kill her story about the team. Even if it means he has to tie her to his bed.

Veronica Banks is researching something she shouldn’t. Posing as a waitress at Bone Daddy’s, she is gathering information about a possible elite military group north of Deep Ellum, Texas. What she didn’t expect was to be recognized for what she really is, a reporter.

Sterling couldn’t believe it when he saw her. This reporter had outed a star while he was working in California, her being here was dangerous to them and her. First he has to prove he is right and fight his attraction to her at the same time. Unfortunately
for both of them he found that proof within minutes after seducing her. Here is a favorite scene.

He knew he might not be able to save her from inciting her own destruction— she was far too stubborn and outspoken and fierce for that— but he could try. He had to.

True to form, she took in every detail as they passed the airfield, the living quarters and the man house, which held the rec room, communal kitchen and boy toys. He didn’t care, because this was the skin of the operation and as innocuous as it could get. The meat of the operation was all hidden beneath the surface.

He parked her car inside the hangar so it couldn’t be spotted from the air, and got out, coming around to take her arm. Her glare made it clear she neither wanted nor needed his help.

But it was more than help and they both knew it.

Though she couldn’t escape— not now that he had her here— she might try. He tightened his grip as a warning to belay any such thoughts.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked as he pushed the button for the elevator down to the command center.

He shot her a dark look. “Where you wanted to go.” He herded her onto the elevator and fitted his key into the slot, then pushed the button marked CC. As the doors closed she pulled away from his hold and crossed her arms. A classic defensive pose. A pointless one too. Crossed arms could not protect her. Not from this.

She blew out a breath as the elevator descended. “I can’t believe you actually kidnapped me.”

“Really, Roni?” He shot her a look. “What did you expect? That I would roll over and tell you everything you wanted to know? Just because you’re phenomenal in bed?”

Her features softened, but only a smidgen. “Do you really think I’m phenomenal in bed?”

He didn’t answer. And not just because he knew they were being watched. Not because he knew every word was being recorded. But because her expression, that flicker of hope and the slash of regret he felt as a result of it, clogged his throat.

When she sidled up next to him and purred, “You were phenomenal too,” he took it for what it was. A ploy. He responded with a disbelieving grunt. Her lashes fluttered. “Well, you were. I just… I just wanted you to know that.”

“Thanks.” Only a hint of sarcasm.

She put out a lip. “You should know, I’d decided not to follow up on the story.”
York, Sabrina, Elite Metal: Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set (Elite Warriors Book 1) (pp. 448-449). Never Settle Publishing. Kindle Edition.

From here it gets even more complicated as the team learns of her motives and Sterling tries to find a way they can stay together.Finding love is never easy, and love of a family member can cause anyone to do things they wouldn’t otherwise. I thoroughly enjoyed this story with all its emotional ups and downs and sizzling hot sex.

5 Contented Purrs for Sabrina!

Platinum’s Choice

by Rebecca Royce

Platinum left the life he had with Rose in New York to rejoin his team and silence the nightmares from Operation Phoenix. But when Rose is forced to go on the run with Platinum’s hidden son, he will have no choice but to return to his old life and reclaim what he has ached for every day since. Red Wolf’s sniper wants to nudge Plat’s underbelly and they’re going to find out quickly how deadly he can be.

This one tugged at my heartstrings in so many ways. We do some now and then with this one giving insight to the thoughts and feelings of both Platinum and Rose.

Platinum has a son no one on the team knows about. He has been supporting him anonymously since he learned of his existence.
He accidentally met his teacher while watching his class in the playground from a bench across the way. Rose was everything he wanted in a partner. Then he was torn away from that life, back to his team and the quest to find and destroy Red Wolf.

Rose was angry, he vanished without a word. Now she’s afraid for Kent, his grandmother killed and the two of them being shot at. She took him to the safest place she could think of, her parents cabin. This is a favorite scene.

“Ms. Rose.”She jumped at the sound of his voice. So intent on listening for noises outside, she hadn’t noticed Kent awakened.

“Sweetheart. Come here.” She extended her arms and he walked into them. He needed to stay close where she could grab him if necessary. If he moved around too much or she was out of range and something happened, she’d never forgive herself.

“It happened, really? My Maw Maw, she’s dead.” He hadn’t quite gotten rid of the lisp sound when he made his s sounds, although it was much better than when he’d been in her class. The act left the impression of his being much younger than his actual age.

She saw children two years younger than him every day. Still, Kent seemed very small to her.

“It did.”

“The woman police officer, she came through the door. Shot my Maw Maw and then she wanted me. I ran. I hid. And then you came.”

Exactly the way he told the story earlier. Starts and stops, not much detail to hold onto. His Maw Maw started medicating him earlier in the year to help with his focus, which would have to be wearing off soon. The fact he’d slept at all surprised her. Trauma could trump anything going on in the body, it seemed. She’d never needed him to take medication when he’d been in her class. Since he was older, and the work was more taxing, the teachers complained more. Who was she to judge? She liked Kent focused or inattentive. Either way, he was a great kid.

“We’re going to be okay.” Lying to him seemed the kindest thing she could do.

“You always told us not to fib.”

She squeezed his arm. “Smarty-pants. Don’t you think I can figure out what to do?”

He was silent for a while and when he spoke again, his words surprised her. “Maybe we can call my dad.”

“Your dad?” The day must really be taxing him. “Kent, your father died before you were born. In Afghanistan. He was a marine and he didn’t come back home. You’ve never met him.”

“They were lying when they told me those stories. I’ve always believed my daddy’s alive.”

“I don’t think they were.” Nothing could be more heartbreaking than a child’s wishful thinking such as the father he’d never known swooping in and saving the day. Why not expect Prince Charming to show up and do it on his white horse? Or Elijah Jones to suddenly appear on her doorstep begging forgiveness with a completely acceptable reason for disappearing the day. Why not expect Prince Charming to show up and do it on his white horse? Or Elijah Jones to suddenly appear on her doorstep begging forgiveness with a completely acceptable reason for disappearing without a trace?

“I can always tell when someone is fibbing. Their voice sounds funny. I can’t focus on some things, like. History. Social studies. Blah. Only details make sense to me. I can hear things. See them. My Maw Maw used to sound different in the way she talked about my dad. She thought the money must be coming from somewhere. I heard her on the phone. She tried to find out. Recently she hired someone to find out.”

These were questions Rose couldn’t deal with. If there were answers, she’d have to find them later.
Royce, Rebecca, Elite Metal: Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set (Elite Warriors Book 1) (pp. 522-523). Never Settle Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The past hurtles into the present, the sniper’s thoughts, the heartbreak, and more. There is much to explain and so much to lose. I loved every word and every tear I shed.

5 Contented Purrs for Rebecca!

Mercury’s Poison

by Saranna DeWylde

A scarred, mad genius more monster than man must protect the beauty he’s become obsessed with from a beast more terrible than himself.

Ah Merc, so damaged yet so lovable. Just not willing to let folks in. Only Copper can see beyond the façade into his soul. At least that is truth until Hazel, Dr Hazel Brewer does emergency medicine but she also does work with the homeless and underprivledged with a Medical van out of the hospital she works at.

Since Merc has discovered her in not so safe areas, he keeps watch at a distance. Attracted without knowing why, other than a need to keep her safe. We first see them together early in this book, she has taken the van out alone. After taking care of business he heads out to her. Not meaning to engage in any sort of contact but to send her on her way. Unfortunately he had some injuries so it wasn’t going to go quite as he planned. This is a favorite scene.

Hazel found she believed him. “Then how about you let me stitch up your cheek? If you can’t feel it, then you must not know the skin is gaping just a bit.”

“I can stitch myself.”

“The same as I can look out for myself?” She cocked her head to the side. “I can look out for myself, but you do a much better job doing it for me. So how about give me the same credit, eh?”

He opened his mouth, but then snapped it shut.

“Where do you want me?”

Everywhere? On top of me, pushing me down, pulling my hair… She crushed that thought out of her head. God, what was wrong with her? This was a creature in pain and all she could think about was putting her hands on him in a way that wasn’t at all about healing.

“Oh wait, I won’t even have to use a needle. I’ve got some tissue adhesive.” She smiled.

“Save the adhesive for someone who’s worried about looking pretty. I’ll take the needle.”

“I have plenty and it’s cheap. Sit down, big guy. I can’t reach.” She could, if she had to. But she wanted to make sure she did a good job and she wanted the opportunity to study him further.

He sat down on the back of the truck, the rear of the vehicle depressing with his weight.

She fumbled in her pocket and came out with the small tube. “See?” Hazel grabbed a few alcohol wipes. “This might sting, but I have to clean it up.” She was gentle as she wiped away the blood, cleared the gore from his skin. That was when she realized it wasn’t all his, but that wasn’t a surprise.

“What’s your name?” she asked as she worked. She always spoke with patients while she administered to them, but this was one she’d always remember, she was sure.

“John,” he answered, quiet.

“John Doe?” she teased. Hazel should’ve expected that one. Of course he wasn’t going to give her his real name. A lot of them didn’t. Especially the ones she gave Methadone to.

“No, John Thrace.” He said this as if it cost him something to confess.

She found herself wanting to reassure him. Wanting to make sure he was safe. But that was a screwed up way to think, she was sure. He was probably the safest man on the planet. But so far, her intuition hadn’t led her astray. “I’ll keep your secrets, John Thrace. I swear.”

“You should be afraid of me.”

“Why?” She lined the wound with the pharmaceutical grade sealant and closed his wound.

“Because I kill people.”

Hazel stopped what she was doing and stared at him hard. In those beautiful eyes were pools of pain. They were so deep she knew she could drown there, and in turn, if he held all of that inside of him, he was drowning too. But maybe he didn’t even know it.
DeWylde, Saranna, Elite Metal: Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set (Elite Warriors Book 1) (pp. 591-592). Never Settle Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Hazel sees so much of him, yet she can’t seem to break through all his layers. Yet he gave her his name, his real one. I found myself rooting for her even as he pushed her away. I even wished I could smack some sense into his hard head. I even fell more in love with Gabriel and Copper in this one, since Merc’s interactions with Copper are so imbued in his nature.The circumstances that keep Merc and Hazel in close proximity is a page turner with nail-biting intensity. I hung onto every word and nuance. I laughed and cried and needed some hydration reading this one.

5 Contented Purrs for Saranna!

Forged in Silver

by Roxie Rivera

Rebel. Nomad. Troublemaker.

The last member of this team to be acquired isn’t one who is welcome. He broke the rules, went rogue and used his abilities to steal and profit. Now he has a chance to redeem himself. Chrome doesn’t want him but Steele has asked for him. Warbucks gave the order and now he was in. Well sort of, he has to prove himself before he can join them at headquarters.

Poppy has detailed the conditions and sent him on his way. One of my favorite scenes is as Warbucks and Poppy watch him ride away.

Heart still racing from her brief encounter with Silver, Poppy peered through the binoculars to see how he would react to finding his motorcycle waiting for him. When the orders had hit her desk to take him down and bring him in, nothing had been said about his bike, but after reading through his file, she had suspected he might be more amenable to this new arrangement if she located and serviced it for him. Judging by the way he caressed the seat, she had been right.

Watching him run his hands over his favorite possession sent a warm shiver of something dark and needful right down to her core. She had no problem imaging him running those big, strong hands over a woman’s body. He moved like a sculptor working his clay into something beautiful, his swiping motions smooth and easy.

Never in her life had a man affected her like this! One sinful smile from him, and a low, throbbing heat had rolled through her lower belly. The photos attached to his file hadn’t prepared her for the devilishly handsome and incredibly charismatic man she had met.

He made me laugh.

It was such a simple thing, laughter, but it had thrown her for a loop. Men didn’t make her laugh. Men didn’t make her smile. More often than not, they made her frown. Silver had frustrated her, but he’d also teased and unsettled her.

He’s dangerous.

She didn’t mean dangerous in the usual sense. Oh, he was a highly-skilled and deadly operator, all right. But he was more dangerous to her in a way that had nothing to do with covert ops.

He’s tempting.

“I think he’ll be easier to control once we figure out what he wants.” Lowering her binoculars, Poppy glanced away from the shrinking image of Silver tearing down the road on his bike. “Every person you’ve asked to join the team has wanted something— a home, a family, a purpose, revenge. We just have to figure out what Silver craves above all things.”

Warbucks stared in her direction in that cool, penetrating way she had learned to read at such an early age. Even though his sight had been destroyed, he still managed to unsettle her with one look of silent warning. “And what happens if the one thing he craves is the one thing we can’t buy or provide?”

Poppy shot her longtime mentor and the only man she had ever trusted a disbelieving look. “We’ve yet to find one thing we couldn’t acquire.”

“There’s a first time for everything, kid.” Warbucks leaned back in his seat. With a little wince, he stretched out his legs. The trim fitting chinos he wore deftly camouflaged the prosthetics that had been painstakingly measured and altered and designed to provide him with near-perfect mobility.

A warm feeling invaded her chest. She smiled at the man who had been her guardian and protector since childhood. “It’s been a long time since you’ve called me kid.”
Rivera, Roxie, Elite Metal: Eight-Novel Cohesive Military Romance Boxed Set (Elite Warriors Book 1) (pp. 675-676). Never Settle Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The monthly status reports had me giggling, lots of flirting by Silver with lots of rejection from Poppy. Silver couldn’t get her out of his mind and Poppy appears to have the same problem.I honestly have to say I felt sorry for Silver. Sure he needed to prove himself, but keeping him away for so long, I thought was wrong.

When Poppy goes off into a situation not sanctioned by Warbucks and definitely unknown to the teams. It falls to Silver to aid her or get her out. These two are an explosion waiting to happen.

So many things come to light and a true, OMG, did that just happen?

So off you must go and get the next book Elite Ghosts.

5 Contented Purrs for Roxie!

Get the Second Collection
Click the Cover for Buy Links

Jennifer Kacey:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads Amazon Author Page

Anna Alexander:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads Amazon Author Page

Heather Long:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads Amazon Author Page

Sabrina York:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads Amazon Author Page

Rebecca Royce:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads Blog | Amazon Author Page

Saranna DeWylde:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads Amazon Author Page

Roxie Rivera:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads Amazon Author Page

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