It is 1891 in Boston, and Sophia Tims is beginning to learn about how to read maps from her uncle Shadrack. She comes from a family filled with explorers and cartologers who have been exploring and studying the new world that has been forever changed by the Great Disruption when all the Continents were thrust into different time periods. Her parents have been missing for 8 years after going on a trip, and now Shadrack has been kidnapped by a mysterious individual. Sophia, with the help of Theo a refugee from the west go on a journey in order to uncover secrets and to hopefully rescue Shadrack.
I find the very concept of this book to be very interesting. The world is now broken up into ages so that in Boston it is 1891 and England is in the Thirteenth century. The way this is presented throughout the novel is excellent and is a sign of good world building on the part of S. E. Grove.
The characters are all well developed. Sophia is one of the best because of her background. She isn’t a weak character at all throughout the story and that is great.
The biggest complaint I have about the Glass Sentence is that a few of the sciency parts of the narrative make little to no sense. Sure this is a world where time is quite literally broken, but that does no mean that the laws of nature should be broken.
I recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys reading a good young adult book which contains little to no romance. I did enjoy reading this novel and I will be reading the second book in the series some time in the future.
Final Rating -42/50
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