The Highland Guardian by Amy Jarecki–4.5 stars–#Book Review

New Exciting Historical Fiction by Amy Jarecki–Coming 12/19/17. The Highland Guardian–4.5 Stars!

The Highland Guardian is a well-written, perfectly paced Scottish Highlander Romance.

Reid, the Scottish Earl of Seaforth, did not want to take on the responsibility of another man’s daughter. But, how could he refuse his dying friend’s request? What Reid never expected, however, was that Nicholas’s daughter, Audrey, was not a wee bairn, to be taken care of, but a full grown woman, and a beautiful one, at that. Reid found that he had to constantly remind himself, that Audrey was his ward, and under his protection, not a woman with whom he could take liberties with. There was also that other complication, which Reid often tries to put out of his mind; the fact that he is betrothed. When Reid was just a young lad, his father promised a clan chieftain, that Reid would marry his daughter. This marriage would ensure a strong binding alliance between the two clans. It didn’t matter that Reid had no interest in marrying this woman. He was an Earl, after all, and expected to marry to benefit the clan. Breaking off a betrothal would be considered a betrayal. And, the last thing Reid wanted was to foster mistrust or a war between the clans. But, how could Reid marry someone he’s grown up with, knowing that his heart belonged to another woman?

There was evil lurking around Audrey’s home. It was just waiting for the right opportunity to pounce. Now, that Nicholas Kennet was out of the way, it was time for revenge. And, Nicholas Kennet’s daughter, Audrey, would be paying the price. The only barrier to a successful end, was Reid, the Scottish Earl of Seaforth. So, the nosey Earl would have to go.

The Highland Guardian is a captivating historical fiction romance; crafted with emotion, witty dialog, and well-developed characters.

Thank you, Forever-Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley, for my advanced review copy. I loved it!

~4.5 stars out of 5 stars~ Review by Peg Glover

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