The incident…

The mist in the morning,

And the leaf with dew.

The little shiny butterfly,

And the scenty wind through.

Under the sky shaded blue,

 The saplings grew.

With the sprinkle of water,

And the pearly dew.

Hither and thither,

The butterfly flew.

To reach the nectar,

In the flower painted blue.

Sat in a frog below,

Away from her view.

Watched her to treat,

With his sticky toungue glue.

Unaware the butterfly,

Gradually she flew.

And hush! came the frog.

With his long sticky glue.

The coming was sudden,

And her mind got blew.

Nither she could think,

Nor could she flew.

The tongue unwrapped,

And straight it blew.

To her little wings,

With which she flew.

The tongue slammed her,

And down she got threw.

The frog hopped off,

Away from her view.

There she lay,

In the dark truely new.

Knows not how to reach,

The lands she knew.

Some help was lend,

So again she could flew.

The upcoming was needed,

For the dark started to grew.

 Now there she flies,

For the dark she knew.

The frog she hates,

Taught a lesson in lieu.

Pray nobody gets into,

The incident all through.

For it shatters the soul,

And the mind gets blew.

But important is what,

She learnt all through.

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