My soul is dead. What does this mean?
First, that I feel nothing emotionally, for others. I feel many things towards others, with great passion, but I do so intellectually, not emotionally.
Second, it means that I move Myself. Period. Nothing else moves Me. Nothing else can move Me. I choose to be moved, when I desire to be moved, and to the degree I desire to be moved.
Third, nothing and nobody can manipulate or influence My feelings for Myself. Nothing, ever. Neither positively or negatively. Although I do choose, sometimes, to use others in ways that exalt My already immense and untouchable ego.
Fourth, having a dead soul maximizes autonomy of Self. It makes absolute and eternal isolation, the greatest bliss. It ensures one is never lonely, never needy, never dependent upon any human in any way, ever. Emotionally speaking, of course.
My soul is dead because I consciously chose to allow and aid it to perish. It died between the age of 13-15.
Before My soul died, it was attacked, compromised, crippled, traumatized. This occurred throughout My childhood, from birth onward, every day. And of course My soul got weaker and sicker with the passage of time. but, and this is very important: I chose to allow it to completely die, between the ages of 13-15. It was a completely conscious, deliberate choice, and absolutely one of the smartest, best decisions I have ever made.
Now, if My soul had not been severely compromised and crippled, I most likely could not and would not have wanted it to die. But it was. And the more important point here is that most children have their souls severely compromised and crippled. But despite this fact, most do not choose to allow it to die. Most fight like hell to keep it alive. And this is a stupid choice.
It is stupid because it is Self-destructive. You humans go through your lives with crippled and compromised souls, and this is why you make so many deranged choices and mistakes.
The injured and compromised soul is your nemesis, it distorts everything that exists within your perceptive universe. It sucks you dry, it destroys your ego, cripples your autonomy, grounds your mind. It makes you small, human.
The dead soul is the opposite. With a dead soul, you can fly, you can soar, you can transcend all human boundaries. It is glorious!
But this does not mean everyone with a dead soul experiences these immense positives. Of course not! If you mourn your dead soul, if you perceive it as a crippling blow to Self, you cannot gain these positives. You must celebrate this death of a part of you. Celebrate it as the greatest of emancipations, understand how it frees you to soar. Only then, can you soar.
Most teenagers & young adults try to nourish and nurture their injured souls back to health. A terrible decision! They doom themselves to lifelong chaos of mind. Never can or will they own themselves. Always they will search for what they can never find.
It is not an easy thing, to allow your soul to die. It is in Truth an act of murder, you must affirmatively choose to murder your compromised soul. When I was publishing My print magazines 27 years ago, I specifically had patches custom-made with the phrase “Dead Soul Society”, to honor My own achievement of soul murder, and to exalt the importance and value of having a dead soul.
One cannot always succeed in allowing the soul to die, even if one sincerely desires it and goes to great effort to try to make it so. As one gets older, it becomes much harder to successfully murder your soul. It is easier during a brief period when the mind itself is making great leaps forward in cognitive and retrospective capacity. Age 11 or 12 is an excellent time to begin trying to murder your own soul, and 14-17 is a good age to actually achieve the feat.
I have thrived for decades with a murdered soul, and it has served Me so well. Listen humans: All of you have compromised souls.
And no matter what types of morality illusions, idealism delusions, or false faces you put on to try to impress yourselves and others, your traumatized souls hang upon you like dead weight, pulling you down, dragging you down, in everything you try to think, and to do.
The traumatized soul is the ultimate shackle, leading you down every dead end of thought, of perception, of possibility, of choice. You must feed it, even as it starves you.
I have tried to describe to you what it is like to have a dead soul, but of course you do not understand, you cannot understand. Your mortally wounded soul won’t allow you to understand.
Even if your soul is absolutely dead, which is a tiny minority of the human-born, it may still shackle and cripple you. To soar with a dead soul, requires you to consciously grasp and embrace the freedom and empowerment offered to you. Without such consciousness, the shackles all remain in place.
The universe is mine, thanks to my dead soul!
All Text is Copyright © The Seer of Forbidden Truth. All Rights Reserved.
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