The Midseason Review: Fall 2017

If there’s ever been a moment that felt more appropriate to post a detailed analysis of representation on television, I can’t think of one. Last night, Oprah stood onstage at the Golden Globes and spoke to the very core of what this project is about – ensuring that little girls (and boys) have the opportunity to see on their televisions someone like them, someone who inspires them to greatness and reminds them that they matter. She then went on to make one of the most powerful statements to date about the #MeToo movement and the process of speaking truth to power…and naturally, within the hour, there was debate as to whether this was the start of her presidential campaign. Because we just can’t have nice things.

Nevertheless, Oprah’s words, along with Natalie Portman’s unscripted critique of the all-male directing category, Sterling K. Brown’s praise of deliberate representation, and Vice Admiral HoldoLaura Dern’s call for restorative justice, set the perfect scene for the third annual Midseason Review (now with 100% more Ava).

For refreshers on the Bechdel-Wallace and Mako Mori Tests, go here. For refreshers on the Knope Factor, the DuVernay Test, and the Lexa Pledge, go here.

(Also, can someone please tell Nate Silver at 538 to stop pretending this was his idea? And to hire me if he actually cares about this sort of thing? Thanks.)

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