The Mistress of Tall Acre by Laura Frantz

Another gem in Laura Frantz’s repertoire! The Mistress of Tall Acre is gripping from the first page to the last, and not just because of the suspense that appears halfway through.

Told in Frantz’s eloquent prose, the tale is a beautiful story of love and its perseverance throughout all of life’s storms.

Filled with charming characters and gorgeous scenery, Tall Acre and its mistress present as stunning a story as Love’s Reckoning, leaving me to wonder which one is my favorite. And as much as I love Silas and Eden, I’m captivated by the beautiful Virginian plantations and Sophie’s simplistic ways, a perfect match for a war hero in rebel blue.

However, it wasn’t the depth of the sweet, lovable characters, or Seamus and Sophie’s tender romance, or even Frantz’s intricate details of a post-Revolutionary war landscape that made this story a success. It was the way she weaved them together with her poetic prose, painting a portrait of hope, heartache, and home amidst the Virginia countryside in the way only a master storyteller can.

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