THE RETURN TRIP – Episode 227

THE RETURN TRIP – Episode 227 …“I knew my boys would become astronauts!”…

#Then you are familiar with the situation# Ekcello goes on to explain, #As you may have surmised, on your journey aboard the Explorer, the key to exceeding the speed of light particles lies not in the fusion or fission of atoms, as well as the molecular stabilization of the space traveler. Unfortunately that is the path your sons have been designated to pursue. To exacerbate that mistake, there is another private faction that is attempting to achieve this milestone first; whoever is first will face the consequences of the same flawed technology#

“Don’t tell me. Let me guess. Of course the Space Family McKinney is going light-the-candle first.”

#It appears your sons’ cruiser will be the first to fall victim to that tragic misjudgment#

“They are lab-rabbits, it’s in our blood Ekcello. MY father blew past Mach 5 when I was only 3 years old!”

#We have not pinpointed the exact date, but Deke and Gus McKinney have disappeared from Earth’s timeline#

“So you are into time-travel too?”

#The temporal fabric of time is the secret behind successful space travel; when entropy is suspended, the Universe is at your disposal# Ekcello speaks as an enlightened being, wanting desperately to share his awakening with the McKinneys.

“Are you telling us they have died?” Celeste digs deeper for the truth. “And if they are, have or otherwise dead, are you telling us that you can do something about it?”

#No and Yes#

Ekcello is being his pragmatic self. From his view of perpetuity, he is relating fondly to these people from the planet Earth, a distant place they had previously determined to be a lost cause.

#We are able to alter the fate of your offspring without significantly affecting the orderly flow of the present time-mainstream#

“Why are telling us about this now? Did you ever consider that what we don’t know can’t hurt us?”

#Unlike you Sampson McKinney, the woman Celeste may soon be capable of making a hyperphysical transmigration of this magnitude. If she did at this very moment, she would be devastated and I cannot allow that#


TIME TRAVEL SUBWAY by Necrania-art on

Episode 227 page 268

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