The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 by Sue Townsend || Review

Title: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4
Author(s): Sue Townsend
No. of pages: 158
Genre: Humor, Young Adult, Diary
Publication date: 1982
Date read: January 4th 2018
3.5/5 ★


Adrian Mole’s first love, Pandora, has left him; a neighbor, Mr. Lucas, appears to be seducing his mother (and what does that mean for his father?); the BBC refuses to publish his poetry; and his dog swallowed the tree off the Christmas cake. “Why” indeed.


This was the second time I read this book and I loved reading it as much as the first time around! Since the story is written like a diary, it reads like a train! Add dozens of hilarious moments to it and you have a great and simple novel. The diary entries are very detailed, but Adrian doesn’t exactly dig deep into his emotions – the details were more in what his dog was doing and how many pimples he had.

Adrian is a very, very responsible 13/14-year-old, which makes the story quite unrealistic from time to time. At least, if I compare it with the 13-year-old Romi, it’s unrealistic: he reads lots of literary books, he’s worried that he doesn’t get enough veggies and calls the doctor on his own for the smallest things.

Nevertheless I really enjoyed reading this book and it made me want to start the sequel right after I closed the first one!

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