I came across “The Smiling Fanny Manifesto” when reading a novel by Lucy Anne Holmes entitled “Just a Girl, Standing in Front of a Boy”. It’s a lighthearted book but Jenny (Fanny) suffers with depression and her friend Phillipa gives her this list of things to do to keep the black dog at bay. Even if you don’t read the book or suffer with depression, have a look at the list as I think we could all do with a little bit of smiling fanny in our lives!
THE SMILING FANNY MANIFESTO (text taken from the book)
You can always call me. Just say, “I am calling you because I have to tick it off my list.” And then we can chat about the usual: what we shall name our future children, our top five sandwich fillings, what you would say to Robbie Williams if you bumped into him on the street.
Not like something different every day, just always have something growing, like a plant! (Mould on an old cup of tea doesn’t count!!!!)
Before bed you have to think of things from the day that were good and that you’re grateful for. One, very random, off the top of my head example could be “my best friend, Philippa”!!!
Skype doesn’t count, you actually have to leave the house – it could just be, “Lovely day, today, isn’t it? Do you know what the forecast is for tomorrow?” to the man in the corner shop.
Doesn’t have to cost money – a nice bath, a trip to the charity shop to try out new outfits, that sort of thing.
my favourite – see attached gift!!! (comedy dvds in story)
can just be a ten-minute walk round the block.8.
Smile or say hello to a stranger
has to be a different person to number 4.
either helping someone or going out of your way to be nice to someone.