To blog or not to blog…

That is my current question…

What is the point of a blog? Is it an online public diary? Is it a platform to debate others who you won’t have to encounter on a daily basis and face after posting a position they do not agree upon?  Is it posting your thoughts and questions through out the day?

I’ll be honest, I have no clue.  I’m open and honest and can admit that I’m a newbie here…Questions run through my mind – Will people judge what I write?  Will I annoy others with frequenting “blogging”?  How do I slow my mind down to be able to post just once a day?  Is what I am posting worth even writing?

You see, I am my own worst critic and this is me going out on a limb to be more “vulnerable”.  I have my short stories, I have my thoughts and opinions but what I don’t have is a comfortable platform to share this with people in my life.  Maybe blogging will get me to the point where strangers interest in my posts will make it so that I can share my writing with those who I share my life with on a daily basis?

So as I venture into this NEW great unknown world of blogging, I’m praying for myself to be able to handle critiques and lack of likes and comments.  As my husband would say, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

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