Toilette Paper SteamRoller Pipe: Beginner’s Mistakes

In the beginning there was weed… and there were desperate times to smoke a joint where we didn’t have access to a rolling papers, bongs or bowls for some reason.

Then we decided to get online and search “home made smoking devices” where our inglorious minds met curiosity with stoner youtube videos and eHow tutorials.

Like the first time I ever traveled to a Wal-Mart at 4am seeking out a socket wrench for a home made coco-cola water bong. I’m sure many of you have similar tales of success & failures with those easy-to-do looking experiments.

However, there is one that stands out as the actual easiest and most fail proof method for smoking on an empty budget. This is the homemade toilette paper roll steamroller smoking device. This was a great smoking option for those of us without access to 2 Liter bottles and socket wrenches, drill bit pieces and more…

The good ole steamroller from our toilette paper rolls or paper towel rolls remains a saving grace. With a little bit of aluminum foil, stolen from a spare gum wrapper or Reynold’s and a thumbtack for pin holes… an answer to a stoner’s prayer was given.

I feel compelled as a poet and weedentrepreuner to give an ode to this faithful toilette paper roll steamroller.

Ode’ to  Toilette Paper Roll Steamroller

Long and brown, or short and white,

With circular holes and tubular might,

Pin pricks on top and thumb holes below…

No one knows where this steam may go…

A magical lane where fairies fume green,

And a Gain dryer sheet can leave a room smelling clean,

Oh’ steam Oh steam oh magical steam…

I woke up one night and my eyes you did beam…

No papers, or blunts, or bowls were near

Now I’m older and wiser so your aluminum poison I fear

I’ll still never forget the days you were there.

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