Top 10 2017

Hey lit-reporters,

        This year, I start a new blog as I moved to London. It was something like a new city, new life, new blog. It was not the first time that I read the English version of the books instead of the French version. I started when I was in high school but, I stopped. Maybe is because I wanted to improve my English faster, but I bought tons of books even if they are not new on the market. This blog helped me to write in English and improve it frequently.

       I like to discover new things, so as you can see on there are a lot of genres, and each has advantages and disadvantages, but I loved the most of them.

       As we are at the end of the year, I decide to go back and choose my top ten favourite books, there is one that I read last year but I really like it, and I think he is worth to be in this list.


1- One of Us is Lying, K. M. McManus

This is the first book this list, as I loved it very much. I select this book for the Book of the Year on Goodreads. I devoured this book, I didn’t want to put it down and listen to my English courses. Since the beginning, I thought of hundred hypothesis, and when one was confirmed, I was so happy, and on the contrary, when it was not I was so sad. I didn’t read this book, I experienced it. I was the detective who wants to know the truth about Simon’s death. Review

2- The Guernsey Literary and Potatoe Peel Pie Society, M. A. Shaffer & A. Barrow

As I wrote in my article, I re-read this book in its original version. I loved it in French, and I loved it in English. The translations are slightly different from each other but the vo increase ten times the emotion, and the horror of the war. For people who love historical fiction, I highly recommend this book. Review

3- Moriarty, A. Horowitz

This book was evidence for me to read as I read the House of Silk and I loved it. The fact that it was written by Anthony Horowitz and it was in Sherlock Holmes’ world played a lot too. This book surprised me by the end as even if you have all the clues, you couldn’t imagine the end. Review

4- Turtles All The Way Down, J. Green

I knew that I was going to read this book when the date was released during the Vidcon, I even made a countdown on the blog. It was kind of breathtaking to read it as we were in the mind of Aza who has OCD. I think it is a book that can help to understand people like that and be more aware that it can be overwhelming for them. They do not ask for that, but they cannot change just learn to live at with more or less peace. Review

5- The Harry Potter Series, J.K. Rowling

I do not finish the series yet, but I want to put it in this Top 10 as it is my childhood, I am a Potterhead, and will not be able to watch the films again. As most of the people think, the books are better than the movie but it is the first time that I read them, and sometimes things can make me cringe as I more aware of the world than when I was young. Nevertheless, it does not change that it is the best thing ever. Review

6- Everything Everything, N. Yoon

It is a part of the book that I did not want to buy but for a reason I bought them, and I am so happy to have done that. At first, I thought that it is a book like The Fault In Our Stars of John Green, where I would cry during all the book or a part of it, but I tried, and I loved it. This book has a taste of freedom maybe because the main character wants to be free, but I liked this feeling. Review

7- Thirteen Reasons Why, J. Asher

I did not think that I would love that book because the central theme is the suicide, but I liked it anyway. When you are not in the way to kill yourself, it is sometimes hard to understand why it can happen, but even little things can make people do that. It can be nothing for some of us but essential for others. This book is one vision of what can happen everything is different for each person. I will not recommend to this person to read this book as it can have an adverse effect, on the other hand, you should talk to someone it can help you a lot. Review

8- Happy People Read and Drink Coffee, A. Martin-Lugan

I read this book in French, and I loved it, I did not know that there is an English version of it. The fact that it happens in Ireland help a lot, and I would like to discover this part of this country. While I was reading it, I wanted to do the same thing as the protagonist, stop everything and travel to a destination that I want to visit and rent something. Nevertheless, she escapes for a reason, and I do not have one but maybe one day. Review

9- The Guest Cat, T. Hiraide

I put my first Japanese novel, but I can put every Japanese story I read as I like them all. I think it is because it is a peaceful break on a hard or stressful day. It is like their books are not at the same pace as our western books. Even in the most peaceful books, we have action, they are dynamic and eventful. On the contrary, Japanese authors stop on details like nature, the time or tiny things. Review

10- The Great Gatsby, F. S. Fitzgerald

I should put that book on the list. Indeed it takes me a long time to read it. I start with the book, but I could not understand, and it did not interest me, I wanted to stop reading it. Then I decided to start the book again with Audible and to read while I listen to it. It worked, I liked this book and if I have did not done that I would have missed a classic. Review

      It was not easy to make this list, but I am happy about it. And you which books did you like in 2017?

See you next year!!



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