Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Resolutions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Bookish Resolutions.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the best when it comes to setting and keeping resolutions, similarly to setting a TBR list I’m just not good with long-reaching goals, so chances are most of these resolutions will be broken before January comes to an end. Still part of the fun of the new year is setting goals and seeing how long they stick. Maybe this year I’ll manage to make them last until December 2018.

This year I will…

…Meet or exceed my Goodreads Reading Challenge Goal

This one is a little risky because I’ve possibly set it higher than I can meet. For the past two years I’ve set my goal for 100 books and read around 110, but this year I’ve set it to 125. Still one year I managed to read over 200 books so I know I have the potential reach and exceed my goal.

…Take part in a Readathon

I’ve never done one before, simply because I’m a mood reader and Readathons always have set books or topics to work your way through, and I feel like that would end up working against me. I’d like to try one though, and hopefully if I start off small I’ll be able to complete one as well.

…Cross more books off my Mid Year To-Read Goal

Back at the end of July last year I set myself a to-read goal to get through as many of the books gathering dust on my bookshelves that I hadn’t read as I could. It’s safe to say I failed since I didn’t cross more than a quarter of them off the list, so now it’s become my 2018 To-Read Goal.

…Start learning a new language again

I’ve been wanting to learn another language for a while now and a couple of years ago I actually started learning Italian, but I didn’t get far before I gave up. I’m not too sure why, though it’s likely because I started blogging and that took up all my time.

…Take part in NaNoWriMo and write over 50K words

This is another one that may be a little risky because me and my sister are planning a holiday for the end of November this year. However I managed it last year and I already have a WIP in mind for this year so I’m trying to get as much planning as I can done in the run up to November.

…Get more re-reading done

There are so many books I own, that I loved, but that I’ve only read once, and as much as I love picking up books I’ve yet to discover I want to try and re-read some of my old favourites; the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy is high on my list.

…Finish the second draft of my WIP

Right now I am deep in the re-planning and re-researching stages for the WIP I wrote during last year’s NaNo, because that one month of manic writing showed where there were a lot of gaps that needed filling, but from March/April onwards I’m hoping to start working on draft two.

…Take part in Camp NaNoWriMo

Because why not? I’ve never taken part before, and I can’t say I’m 100% sure on how Camp NaNo differs from regular NaNo in November (if you know please let me know), but either way it’s an opportunity to set a mini goal for my current WIP and hopefully meet it.

…Make time for my hobbies outside of reading/blogging

Blogging takes so much time, no one will deny that, and over the two and a bit years I’ve been blogging my other hobbies have fallen in the wayside. I love baking, but it’s been ages since I’ve actually baked anything so this year I want to make more time for my life outside of my blog.

…Keep blogging and reach my three year blogiversary

This is one that’s on my resolutions list every year without fail, and of all the resolutions I’ve made for 2018 it’s the only one I am confident I can keep. I have no plans to stop blogging anytime soon but just in case, at the very least, I want to reach my three year blogiversary in November.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what some of your bookish resolutions are or what your personal resolutions for 2018 are.

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