Trusting in the Dark

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the people of Israel to turn back and encamp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, in front of Baal-zephon; you shall encamp facing it, by the sea.” – Exodus 14:1-2 (ESV)

Moses and the Israelites were about to cross the Red Sea in this part of the story. A couple of verses before this, God’s people were staying in a place called Etham as they were escaping from the Egyptians. However, instead of heading east where they would continue their journey to the Promised Land, God commanded His people to move down (turn back) south to Migdol and to encamp by the sea.

Few verses later, Egyptian officers in chariots were back at hunting them down. The Israelites got nowhere to go and they feared their enemies greatly (v.10). They realized that Moses set them up for their destruction, not salvation (v.12). It was the first time that they grumbled since they have been freed from their slavery. Their situation was understandable. If God didn’t ask them to go back, they should have gone far already.

As we go through the book of Exodus, we’ll find the Israelites’ complaining and ranting even more because they were either hungry or tired or thirsty or afraid. God’s people lacked faith and they forgot who God is and what He’s done for them. They still had a hard time trusting Him although He was no longer a stranger to them. God had been with them from the very beginning. He showed them signs and wonders through Moses  — through the ten plagues that came upon the Egyptians. How then could they still lack the ability to trust Him fully and take Him on His word?

Our human understanding remains limited. God’s ways and thoughts will always be higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9) which is why there are times when we struggle to trust Him. All throughout our lives, God will call us to do something beyond imagination, reason, and possibility. He gives us a few pieces for a thousand-piece jigsaw with varying puzzle shapes. We don’t know what to do with them or how to make them fit in the bigger picture.

Maybe you are in the same situation right now. Maybe God is telling you to do something bold or to go somewhere unfamiliar or to talk to someone new. Maybe God is telling you to move out of your comfort zone or persevere in the battle field. But you’re too scared or too tired or too anxious or too weak. You might be thinking, “But God is asking something too difficult/too much for me to do!” or “If I do this, I would lose my (insert valuable item/person).” or “I don’t think something good will come out of this.” Well, that’s what you (and I) would naturally think.

But I want to encourage you that even in your doubts, fears, and questions, you can still choose to trust God (and you actually should).

Why Trust God?

You can trust God because He is a personal God. God made Himself known to Israel. He showed Himself to His servant Moses. He heard His people cry to Him for help when they were suffering  from the abusive power of the Egyptians (Exodus 6:5). God is not a God who is distant. Sure, He created the planets, the stars, the birds and the trees and continues to sustain them in His hands but He also created you. He formed you in your mother’s womb and gave you a purpose on this earth even before you were born (Psalm 139:13-16). You can trust Him because He knows you and calls you by name.  

You can trust God because He is a loving God. His heart beats for His people and He remembered His covenant that He made with their fathers (Exodus 6:2-4). He is to bring them to the land that He promised to them. Similarly, God has the best in mind for you, plans not to harm you but to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11). You can trust Him because He cares for you.

You can trust God because He is the God of the past, the present, and the future. From the time when Joseph set foot in Egypt (Genesis 39:1) to the time when God’s people grew in number (Exodus 1:7)  to when they set forth to the promised Land, God was there. He’s got your life beautifully planned out. His plans for you are good, and pleasing, and perfect (Romans 12:2). You can trust Him because He knows your beginning and your end. 

Faith and Obedience

In Exodus 14:4, God gradually unveiled to Moses the purpose why He told Israel to encamp by the sea. He didn’t do that to harm His people and give them up to the Egyptians. He did that because He wanted to showcase His power and glory to the people which He won’t be able to do if the Israelites were already strong and mighty on their own.

In the same way, the twists and turns, the highs and the lows, the reminders and redirection in our lives are to lead primarily to God’s glory… how our small steps of obedience could actually draw thousands of people to Jesus, and how our faith with the size of a mustard seed could grow into a massive tree. The purpose of your darkness is for Him to shine His light. Sooner than later, you’ll see how your tears and struggles, your little and big victories, will actually direct you to the wonderful purpose of God in your life and will bring utmost glory to His name.

When you know God well, you can trust Him.

And when you trust Him, you can obey Him,

no matter how great a leap He is asking you to take.

Faith is what makes obedience simple and possible. On certain occasions, however, obedience would precede faith. Sometimes, you would have to choose to follow His call first even when the path looks difficult and unclear, and that’s when your faith in Him will be stretched out.

Yield Now

Faithlessness is what makes you anxious. Fear is what makes you restless. Forgetting who you’re walking with is what makes you scared. But today, I want to invite you to take God’s hand. Where is He taking you today? What is He asking you to do today? What area do you need to surrender in His loving hands today?


You can trust Him in your pain because He will heal you. 

You can trust Him in the dark because He will be your light.

You can trust Him in the battle because He will fight for you.

You can trust Him in your despair because He will be your hope.

You can trust Him in your doubt because He will steady your steps.

You can trust Him in your fear because He will increase your faith.

You can trust Him in your anxiety because He will give you His peace.

You can trust Him in your weakness because He will be your strength.

You can trust Him in your brokenness because He will make you whole.


When God ushers you to go through the dark valley of uncertainty, He doesn’t require you to know anything else about the journey — where you’re headed or why you’re going in that direction. God simply wants you to obey and trust Him. He is about to show His glory and power to you and to the people around you. He is holding your hand. He is with you. So, go ahead, friend. Walk with Him, and trust Him in the dark.

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