Underrated Author: Colleen Gleason

Everyone has authors that are an automatic buy. Whenever said author comes out with a book, you buy it no matter what. Then you have the authors that you come across by accident and you fall in love with that book or series. That’s what Colleen Gleason is to me. I came across her book at a secondhand bookstore, and I am so glad I did.

The book that introduced me to this author was her first book in her Stoker and Holmes series called The Clockwork Scarab. I was instantly drawn to the book when it mentioned clockwork and then even more so when I read that it included Bram Stoker and Sherlock Holmes in some way. This book has two strong female characters and, unlike a lot of young adult books, there romance isn’t one of the main focuses. Don’t get me wrong, I love romance in my books as much as the next person, but it is a nice change from what is normal.

Last year, I had the opportunity to meet Colleen, and it was amazing. I had never been to a book signing before and expected her to just sign my book and go on to the next person. What I experienced was having her sign my book and then had small talk for maybe five minutes. I thought that it was so cool to have an author have an actual conversation and she was so nice that it made the entire experience one to remember.

Besides young-adult, Colleen also writes paranormal, historical, and mystery and suspense. Just like her young-adult series, many of her other books have strong female main characters and always shows a partnership, whatever that may be. You can check her out on her website at www.colleengleason.com. If you choose to read her books, I hope you come to enjoy them just as much as I have.

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