Vain and Vulnerable

Yesterday I decided to do a Facebook Live about an old childhood wound that’s been keeping me stuck.  I’ve been using it as an excuse to not do my work and it’s been holding me back in other ways too.

My intention was to heal this wound by shining a light by being honest about it and admitting it to the world.  At first, I thought I’d just leave it on my personal FB profile and not let it get any further than that, but I realized that this would be another way of hiding, so today I decided to put it out there for everyone. The overwhelming love and support I got from my community also helped me make this decision.  Turns, it was helpful to a lot of people which was a big plus.

You can watch it here.  There are a couple of teeny expletives in there so you want to wear headphones. I didn’t bother to edit the thumbnail as that would take away from the message of authenticity.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and if you can relate.  You can comment here.  Feel free to share with anyone that you think might benefit from this share.

I’ve also just released a brand new program “At Home in Your Body: Healing through Embodiment Practice”.

This is A Personalized One-to-One mini Coaching Program with me. It’s a mind/body practice customized for you based on your physical/mental/emotional challenges. Your physical, mental and emotional bodies are intimately connected and what affects one is reflected in the other. In this program, we address all levels with simple, customized practices that are easy to learn and easy to adopt into your daily life. 

I was practicing what I preach when I made the above video, and I promise, I won’t ask you to make any embarrassing public videos, however, I will help you design some amazing and doable personal practices that can make an incredible difference in your life. 

The program is brand new so I‘m offering it at a very special (and super affordable) BETA price for just a limited time.  You can find more info here.

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