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The Tragedy Of Arthur (2011)

by Arthur Phillips(Favorite Author)
3.47 of 5 Votes: 5
1400066476 (ISBN13: 9781400066476)
Random House
review 1: I eagerly read each new Arthur Phillips wildly different books pretty much as soon as they come out. I enjoyed this one very much, but I have to say his books are for the head more than the heart. They are, primarily, I think...smart. This is the most clever one yet, a faux hoax about a literary hoax staring Arthur Philips whose father, Arthur Philips, did or did not find a lost play by Shakespeare. The play is actually included—must admit that bit was not for me.
review 2: THis book is the ultimate in playing with the reader's awareness that an author is composing a book. The story is that the narrator's father forged a "new" Shakespearean play about the Tragical History of Arthur, King of England, and keeps it hidden for 50 years, then forces his son to bri
... moreng it out to the publishing world, even though the son "knows" it's a forgery. The novel includes the text of the play, which reads like Shakespeare to me (IMHO.) There are so many tricks in the book, I had to keep reading just to see if it was a true memoir of the author, whose name is Arthur Phillips. I hope my friends who are drama buffs or Shakespeare devotees will enjoy this book as much as I did, less
Reviews (see all)
Clever and scholarly at the same time. I tend to like an unreliable narrator: good brain exercise.
The concept was intriguing, but I didn't really engage with the book.
Clever premise but I got bogged down by it for some reason.
Really made me want to start re-reading W.S.
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