Warbound – Walk Towards Extinction

 For decades, thrash metal has been widely known to be a viciously fast source of riffs and madness that brings forth fire even in its quietest moments. Many bands have tried but so many have failed to capture the genre well, and it’s been quite some time since I checked to see what thrash has in store for me. I wasn’t expecting much, but tonight I found a debut EP that’s all but extremely promising in every single way. When it comes to capturing the spirit and style of thrash, Warbound has done it wondrously.

While many of us can agree that it’s difficult to write a ripping solo or a complex array of notes that progressive metal makes plenty of use out of, there are plenty who would also say that creating a satisfying riff is just as much a challenge. It’s not difficult to see the logic in that as many people can simply throw together a riff, but the matter of whether or not it’s actually entertaining takes talent. Warbound is completely riffs and hooks amongst their blistering helping of thrash, but their debut EP of “Walk Towards Extinction” shows that Warbound knows how to more than just play fast and angry music. Not only is this EP explosively aggressive, but it makes it all entertaining and engaging at the same exact time to make this unassuming debut something that thrash fans can easily corral around like flies to a corpse. All five tracks that Warbound executes perfectly with “Walk Towards Extinction” are fantastic sermons of fire, destruction, and war the likes of which are all but common for thrash metal yet Warbound makes it all sound fresh where most make it feel overused and recycled. To call “Walk Towards Extinction” an EP that’s unexpectedly awesome would be an understatement, and it, unfortunately, might suffer the fate of being an unknown gem of Bandcamp. That truly is a damn shame as I can guarantee naught but an excellent time when listening to this debut.

The last extremely solid debut thrash record that I had the pleasure of hearing had to be “Unbearable Conditions” from Panikk back in 2015 and since then I’ve been waiting for the next piece of excellence of that kind to reach my ears, and Warbound accomplishes that easily with this EP. If you want to have a fiery time with thrash metal the likes of which the underground doesn’t get often enough, then “Walk Towards Extinction” is an absolute must for you!

LISTEN to “Walk Towards Extinction” on Bandcamp here.

LIKE Warbound on Facebook here.

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