We’ve Been Shot…

. . . with an invisible force field of protection and still the pesky flu bug is intent on trying to attack us.

Over the last week one or both of us in this house have experienced… Fevers and chills. Stomach issues and aches. Coughs and runny noses. So far, nothing serious or long term. But still, we played by the rules. Why can’t the bugs?

Our health care coverage puts us at the front of the you-need-a-shot line because (1) we are in the elderly age bracket now and (2) mostly they really don’t want to see as much of us as they did last year.

It was just a couple weeks ago Mr.P was sitting in his chair and casually commented that he didn’t think he was going to get a flu shot this year declaring that they were pretty much ineffective.

Wow… Okay. I didn’t know how to tell him but, he had already gotten a flu shot at his last doctors appointment. But since he thinks they don’t work, maybe he won’t notice?

I’ve heard reports that the shots this year are anywhere from 10-30% effective. It was a nurse that was tooting the high number of 30% who said, “that’s 3 out of every 10 people who are going to be happy they got their shot.” Not sure that’s a number to be bragging about but she was going for it.

Mr.P has been fighting the flu-critter with sleep. Twenty hours yesterday into today. Up for a few to sleep in his chair and is now back in bed. The way I see it… he’ll sleep through the whole darn event and never know he had it. . . just like getting the shot.

Stay Hydrated and Healthy Everyone

Until Next Time. . .

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