
These are one of the best dwelling makers in the nature. There are two species of weaver birds in Sri Lanka. One being the Baya Weaver and the other, Streaked Weaver. Both the species live in flocks and spend very social lives.

There are several significant facts about their nests and here are some facts which made me so fascinated about them;

  • The male bird makes the nest with leaves and small sticks.
  • Usually nests are woven in trees hanging over water by Baya Weavers and on reeds and low bushes by Streaked Weavers to minimize predator attacks.
  • Even though the nest is fully built, the female bird will reject it if it is not comfortable enough! So the male bird will have to build another one which meets the standards of the wify.
  •  This results in single tree to have so many fake nests which will ultimately reduce predator attacks. (Some say that these guys intentionally build pseudo nests to divert predators.)

So here are some pictures I clicked of Weavers in Sri Lanka… (move the cursor over the images for caption to popup.)

A Streaked Weaver popping out of its nest. (Clicked at Kurullanwila, Panama) A baya weaver. It made several trips bringing leaves while we were there to start building a nest. The nest was built in the branch behind it, which is not visible and is placed over the waters of Panama lake. The dome shaped nest of a Streaked Weaver. (Clicked at Wasgamuwa National Park.) A completed nest of a Baya Weaver. (Clicked at Wasgamuwa National Park.) An incomplete nest of a Baya Weaver hanging in the same tree on which the completed one is also situated; most probably rejected by the female bird… (as the guide said.) Advertisements Share this:
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