What’s New and Free Wednesday–Giveaway Edition!

My posts have been on the lean side lately, I know, but I’m rounding the editing bend on the next to the last set of proof pages for FATAL FORGERIES. I received my cover last week, too, and will share it soon–probably around the time preorders go live in March (yes, March is almost here–unbelieveable). But in the meantime, I scooped up links for some freebies by my author friends, and have a giveaway of my own today (My giveaway at the end, so be sure to check it out and enter, or please tell all your friends if you already have a copy).

Ready? Here goes–

First up is one of my all-time favorite cozy series is Michele Scott’s Wine Lovers Mysteries series, which is set in Napa Valley and features Nikki Sands. The covers have been updated, and the first book in the series is free right now on Amazon. Grab it and see if you don’t like it as well. Just click the Murder Uncorked picture below.

Next, my friend Diane Vallere is featuring the first book in her Samantha Kidd series, Designer Dirty Laundry, free right now on Instafreebie. You can sign up and request the freebie download at https://www.instafreebie.com/free/HgVY3


Just learned my friend Morgana Best has the first book in her Kitchen Witch series up for free at the moment. If you like cozy paranormal mysteries, grab a copy before this title goes back to full price. Fun read!

I haven’t read MA Comley’s JUSTICE series yet, but several people who read the same types of books I do have given it high praise. But if that’s not incentive enough to try it, the box set of the first two books in the series Cruel Justice and Impending Justice are free right now on Amazon. Yes, I downloaded my copy and will crack open the file as soon as my edits are completed. Pick up your own copy by clicking the picture below–

Finally, I went out to Amazon this morning and generated a couple of coupon codes, and I now have two copies of Counterfeit Conspiracies available for giveaway. If you’d like a Kindle copy of Counterfeit Conspiracies, just leave a comment below and I’ll draw the names of the two winners on Friday and post the names. So if you don’t Follow this blog, please check back in case I’m trying to contact you.

Okay, that’s all, folks! Now back to my writing cave to work on proofing more edits. Have a great Wednesday