What Are Five Steps You Can Take To Go From A “Why Me” Mentality To A “Try Me” Mentality When Facing Your Tough Situation?

I want to start off by sharing this quote from an unknown source:

“When life puts in tough situations, don’t say ‘why me?’ Just say try me!” -Unknown

Keep this mind whenever you find yourself in a tough situation.

At some point in your life, you have found yourself in at least one tough situation. In each of your situations, you had two options:

  • Run from the unknown and go back to your comfort zone.
  • Face the unknown and allow the situation to grow you outside of your comfort zone.
  • Whatever choice you made in each of those situations wound up having an impact on various things in your life. It is because of those decisions, good or bad, that you find yourself here at this point in your life.

    If you find yourself currently faced with or will face a tough decision and need help with determining how you should approach it, then I want to offer you some questions below to help you understand your decision better. If you know someone else who may or will be faced with a tough decision, I also encourage you to read and share this with that person who will need to hear this.

    Why is it you when you are faced with tough situations?

    The answer to this question will vary depending on the situation and the circumstances involved. Here are three facts that you need to know:

  • The tough situations that you find yourself in are results of your previous decisions.
  • The tough situations that you find yourself in were made just for you to deal with.
  • The tough situations that you find yourself in will become tougher when you decide to run from them.
  • As you can see, your tough situations revolve around your actions.

    What happens when you face your tough situations head on?

    The answer to this question will also vary because there is a variety of outcomes that can come from facing your tough decisions head on. Here are three additional facts that you need to know:

  • You nor anyone else can predict the outcomes of facing your tough situations head on.
  • Facing your tough situations head on gives you the opportunity to deal with the situations in their respective current state before they possibly grow and/or get worse.
  • Facing your tough situations head on shows yourself and the world that you are not afraid of the moments and whatever the results will be.
  • You may not know what will happen when you face your tough situations head on, but at least in doing so, you will give yourself a chance to deal with them and overcome.

    If you are needing to get the right mindset to deal with your tough situations, then the next question will offer you some valuable tools to use to get your mind prepared.

    What are five steps you can take to go from a “why me” mentality to a “try me” mentality when facing your tough situations?

    Going from “why me” to “try me” mentality will require a shift in how you approach your tough situations. Here is how you can do it:

  • Commit yourself to dealing with your tough situation.
    • Instead of letting your fears and negativity cause you to run away and fold under pressure, make a pledge verbally, mentally, and physically to face your tough situation head on.
  • Learn and understand why you are faced with the tough situation.
    • Ask people and do research on the situation and circumstances involved so that you have the full picture on your tough situation.
  • Know all of your options and possible consequences.
    • Research and evaluate every option available to you and the consequences so that you can make an informed decision about your situation.
  • Make your decision.
    • Based on what you know, make the best informed decision for yourself that you think will allow for you to deal with your tough situation.
  • Accept and live with the outcome.
    • What happens as a result of your decision, take in the lessons and let the outcome shape your life accordingly.
  • If you can apply these five steps, you will have the toughness and confidence to have “try me” mentality whenever a tough situation comes up.

    Let’s remember that only you have the strength and ability to deal with your tough situations in your life, but if you are letting your fears and negativity control how you deal with those situations, you will never know how capable you are to deal with them.

    In the question section, I want you to give some serious thought to the questions above and share your answers and comments below. Your answers and insight can help yourself and other people understand that you can deal with your tough situations if you have the right mentality.


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