Last month, we got my son’s book fair catalog. I loved book fair season as a kid. There were quite a few books, I wanted to buy, but couldn’t make up my mind. So I checked out the reviews on the Scholastic site. For one book in particular, the one star review mentioned that the book was “too modern”.
What the hell is too modern, anyways? The book isn’t futuristic and we are living in modern times. So, what gives?
The book I’m referring to is Over The River & Through The Wood. It’s about dear old Grandma inviting her kids and their families over for a holiday dinner. Naturally, hi-jinks ensue with each family trying to get home for the holidays. Does this sound too modern to you? What if I told you that there are not only biracial families in this, but also a gay biracial family. Is that too modern for you, now? If you’re not a complete ass, then the answer is no. It’s not too modern at all.
I went over to Amazon to see the one star review complaints. And sure enough, there are parents who complain and ask “How do I explain this to my child?” You don’t. Kids are smart. If you point out each family in this book as Mommy/Daddy and Daddy/Daddy, they’ll get it. The only reason you need to explain anything, is if you’ve already told your kids that biracial and/or gay families are not a good/normal thing. If your kid asks, you simply say “Some families have one Mommy and one Daddy, others have two Mommies or two Daddies. Or only one Daddy and only one Mommy.” You don’t have to go into sexual detail. You don’t have to say it’s morally wrong, because that makes you wrong.
I grew up with gay family and friends. I never asked the explicit details. I just understood. My parents loved each other, and my Uncles loved each other. That was the end of it. And now that I have a kid, it’s the same thing. If you need to explain anything, you explain what love is. Don’t make your kids have the same hang ups as you. And last time I checked, marriage equality has been a thing for a little while now, and it hasn’t ruined straight marriage and the world keeps turning.
This book has become a favorite with my son. And I have to read it to him every night. And he, a damn 3 year old will point out the Mommy and Daddy or Daddy and Daddy in each family in the book. He’ll also point out how many kids are in each family. That’s it. The world has not ended. A children’s book is not too modern. How ridiculous!
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