When You Believe in God But Aren’t Sure He Loves You

Sometimes the church isn’t really good at helping people to realize and internalize God’s love for them. People often view God as someone holding a bat with which to whack them when they mess up. Today’s devotional does away with that notion and helps us understand how loved we are.

Several years ago, I was having lunch with a man I had just met. For some reason, he opened up to me about his struggling marriage. When I asked him how God fit into his marriage, his countenance darkened, and he cut me off: “I don’t believe in God, and I don’t want to talk about religion.”

Not wanting to push too hard, I respected his stance and continued to talk about his marriage without mentioning anything more about God. He interrupted me again, repeating that he didn’t believe in God and that he read more

Source: When You Believe in God But Aren’t Sure He Loves You

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