Why I am Taking a Social Media Hiatus


1.I am going to be a witch.

I don’t know when it started but I had this sudden urge to research witchcraft. I might have read it in a book or seen it in a show but the idea of connecting to the universe seemed amazing to me.

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” 
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

It seemed true- especially when I was still living in Victoria. I was in school and barely had a job but for some reason, I never really had anxieties about money. Chris and I went to a lot of places that really made me look at the universe in a whole new way. One of these places that really stood out to me was Cathedral Grove.

There was a quote there that I will never forget. It said, “…when a tree falls to the ground, we may see only in death but this death is the beginning of new life and the natural cycle of the forest…” I feel like that is true in our lives also. There are so many answers and lessons that are right in front of us but because we are too busy with screens and simulacrum, we fail to see them.

The universe is there to guide you.

2. When I travel, I want to be able to live my life attuned to the natural world. I want to see its authenticity. I want to connect to it without having to think about how its going to look on instagram or how I can share it to others. Don’t get me wrong, we are social beings and there is nothing wrong to want to be socially important but continually having to live by other peoples meaning can destroy you.

What do YOU want your life to be? What do YOU want to do? Sometimes, when we neglect ourselves, the universe will also have a hard time steering you back to the direction you are supposed to go.

“This is what happens when you repudiate who you are. Once you do that, life works against you, and your fate is no longer your own.” 
― Alice Hoffman, The Rules of Magic

3. I want to hear the universe without all the noise that I always get on social media. There are too much noise on my feed that I feel myself getting angry, upset, annoyed or frustrated. I want to steer out of that.

It is going to be hard because I LOVE taking pictures and taking pictures and not sharing  is a little new to me (I’m a millenial). However, I will try my best to hear more of whats around me so I can appreciate it more.

“Because the Wicca way is a personal way, after learning the beliefs every practitioner draws his/her own path! Following the Wiccan way is not a chore or a duty – it is a way of celebrating life and communing with it.” 
― Alice Campbell,

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