Tome Topple 2017 {Round 5 Wrap Up}

Can you believe it? Another round of Tome Topple is finished. Maybe it’s just me but that seemed to go by quickly, it felt more like a week than two. Anyways, with the readathon over I get to bring you another wrap up.. and one I’m happy to write (not that the other wrap ups I wasn’t happy with) because it was a smashing success!

You can check out my TBR/ announcement post here.

Tome Topple November 17-28:

My only goal for this round of Tome Topple was simply to finish reading A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin. I only had 449 pages left to read (which is why I say I cheated slightly), but I knew if I didn’t finish it in November it would haunt me all of December before the year ended. Not going to lie.. while I thoroughly enjoyed the last 449 pages I could be found complaining or side eyeing the book the entire time. Christine over at WeeReader can attest to my moaning, more than once I’d message her complaining about how I was trudging through a chapter. I’m shocked she didn’t fly to Canada simply to smack me with the book (she probably would have if she could!). But, not only did I finish A Dance with Dragons, I finished it with two days to spare in the readathon! *dances under clouds of confetti* I am so beyond happy to have finished it, and despite all the moaning I did during the readathon, I honestly did enjoy A Dance with Dragons. A Song of Ice and Fire is a series I highly recommend if you haven’t already read it.. I just don’t recommend reading three of the books in the series in a one year span if you aren’t used to high fantasy of this caliber.

Before the end of the year I am actually thinking of doing a post about my.. journey/ battle with George R.R. Martin’s series. With some personal lessons I learned and maybe even some tips if you are wanting to pick ASOIAF up but are too intimidated by the size of the books. But now.. I join the many people already waiting the long wait for Winds of Winter, and let me tell you I can’t wait for it! Maybe by the time it comes out I’ll own my own copies of the series? Perhaps, we shall see.

Thank you Tome Topple for motivating me to finish A Dance with Dragons, guaranteed without the perfect timing of this round I would not have finished this book until right at the end of the year. Cutting it very very close haha. If you’re interested in doing Tome Topple yourself sometime I highly recommend it, it’s such a great readathon and is always hosted by such great people.

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