Monday, October 9, 2017.

Author: Bishop Julius Okarike

Verse Of The Day: Cast your burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain you: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalms 55 : 22

LISTEN: Beloved, why suffer when God has offered to help you? Why will you destroy yourself when you have Jesus Christ the burden bearer who is willing and waiting to help you? Do you know that God is not happy when you carry a load that is meant for His divine shoulder? Why would you bear needless pain when you have a God who loves and cares about you? Beloved, you should know that you are not created to spend your life in misery when you have Christ Jesus the burden bearer who is always waiting for your distress calls (Jeremaiah 33 : 3). He does not want you to stress yourself with worries, because it will certainly weigh you down. A lot of people are bearing burdens that outweigh their physical and mental strength. This is as a result of what they are going through. Many wake up with tears in their eyes and sleep with same everyday; and they pretend as though all is well, but down deep in their hearts they know that all is not well.

Beloved, cheer up! you are not the only person going through difficult situations in life; others are experiencing same in there own ways. Just have faith in God. He is the only one who truly knows and cares about you. He wants to help you, but only when you put your hope and trust in Him. (1 Peter 5 : 7). He knows your problems and understands where it hurts you. He is truly a burden bearer, for He had equally experience pain the same way we have today. Beloved, what are you worried about? Is it your Finance? Marriage? Education? Family background? Ministry or Career? Health? What? Not to worry! Just put your trust in God and accept the invitation He has extended to you. He said, “Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and all of you shall find rest unto your souls.” (Matthew 11 : 28 – 29). Beloved, why not come to Christ Jesus and find rest for your soul. In Him by faith, you will receive strength to overcome your challenges. So drop your worries and embrace faith. He has promised to help you, therefore, put your trust in Him and He will surely sustain you.

Having read today’s devotional, what is expected of you?
1. No matter the challenges, do not doubt God; instead, put your trust in Him.
2. Always present your worries before the Lord and pray for His help.
3. Do not forget that Jesus Christ truly knows and cares about you; so cheer up!
4. Never give up, rather determine to overcome your challenges no matter what.

Daily Task: No matter what, do not worry yourself over your troubles, instead, take them to God and leave it there.

Daily Reflection: Do not carry along with you a burden that you can possibly drop at the feet of Jesus Christ. So, do not delay anymore, drop your burdens at His feet today and receive His peace.

Daily Prayer: Compassionate God, I thank you for your word today. I drop my burdens at your feet, and I believe that I have received freedom from all my fears, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Daily Prophetic Declaration: You will make a difference. Today, I prophesy to you, may God free you from your burdens, your fears, and every satanic manipulation, in Jesus’ name.

Daily Quote: It is the height of foolishness to continue to struggle under a neck-breaking load when God has offered to help.

Today In History: October 9, 2006. North Korea reportedly tests its first nuclear device.

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