Wonderful Woman – Lori Coremin

Wonderful Woman is a weekly post on Wednesday with a boss lady. It’s important for women to empower, motivate, encourage and to love one another. One woman’s story and success is an inspiration for another. I hope you enjoy these stories! If you are or would like to suggest a Wonderful Woman to be apart of the series, please email me at ToryLava41@gmail.com with your or their story!

Wonderful Woman – Lori Coremin

Meet Lori from Orange County, New York.  Lori is dedicated, motivated & focused. This is her story as a concert photographer. 

Q&A with Lori:

Q: What do you do?

A: I am the owner & photographer of my own business, War Child Photography.

Q: How did you get into the business you are in today?

A: I started taking photos back in 2001 at local shows that my friend and I would host at our high school when I was 14.  Granted, I’ve been taking photos of other things since I received my first camera for my 9th birthday.

Q: What is the biggest challenge you have faced & overcame?

A: Climbing to the top in a very over-populated and male-dominated industry, especially in the NY Metro area.  Just in general, being a concert photographer as a woman has been a challenge in itself, especially in the heavy metal/hard rock scene.  This is a heavy male-saturated industry, but I will say that I’ve noticed more women with me in the photo pit at shows lately.  It wasn’t until late 2016 that I really broke the norm of shooting local shows and started getting in with national artists.

Q: What is your work moto?

A: Metalheads do it harder.

Q: What is the best advice to give someone who is interested in photography?

A: Never stop shooting!  Bring your camera with you everywhere, because you never know what you may see.

Q: What do you like most about this industry?

A: All the amazing like-minded people that I’ve met, both photographers and musicians.

Q: What would you want to tell your 15-year-old self?

A: Keep going strong and never give up!

Q: What does girl power mean to you?

A: Women can do anything and we don’t have to prove ourselves to anyone. We need to keep each other empowered and stop knocking each other down.

Q: Anything else you want to add?

A: To all the women that want to break through in the music industry, keep strong.

And that’s this week Wonderful Woman!

Thank you, Lori, for being a positive role model, an amazing photographer a badass, wonderful woman! You go, girl! We’ll see you in the pit! Make sure you follow Lori’s work and check her out at local NY/NJ shows!

Website: www.warchildphoto.net

Get social with Lori on Facebook & Twitter & Instagram 


Tory Lava


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