Zornheym – Where Hatred Dwells and Darkness Reigns (Symphonic Black/Death Metal)

There has been a lot of hype surrounding the debut of this black metal band from Sweden. The PR team and band has done a wicked job actually to get the word out, spreading their singles at the right times and even getting a comic out for one of the songs, one page at the time to create even more hype. I for one have been very glad to follow this. Zornheym have created a world with darkness and madness unlike many others have been able to. This isn’t just a music album, this is a complete world almost like it could be something new Dark Horse comics would create. Zorn has done some good songwriter on this album, and his history from Dark Funeral has definitely helped shape Zornheym into a black metal machine with both traditional and fresh ideas coming with it. Bringing together members from known acts such as Diabolical and Facebreaker to help him create his asylum. It’s very refreshing to see. So how is the music then?

The Opposed I’d heard (and read) before and it’s a sweet intro, one of the best tracks on the album. Very symphonic almost Dimmu Borgir like and the references I draw when listening to Zornheym is definitely Dimmu along with Septicflesh and Carach Angren. Horrifying metal that can easily be made into movies. You can see this as Swedens take on that. The instrumental tracks Subjugation of the Cellist, Prologue to a Hypnosis and And the Darkness Came Swiftly works great as sections to guide the listener to the next parts of the story. This horrible wicked asylum of madness and demons that makes me think of one of my favorite comics (and games for that matter) The Darkness. This could easily be the soundtrack when Jackie goes mad within an asylum from the second game (also made in Sweden by the way).

While The Opposed and A Silent God are two great tracks and were the two tracks they chose as singles before the release of Where Hatred Dwells and Darkness Reigns. Implementing some nice clean singing with their music really adds a new dimension to the story for me and adds depth to their music. Especially Whom the Night Brings showcase Zornheym on high form whereas Trifecta of Horrors feels like a weaker track on the album where they didn’t utilize that as I had hoped. They have some ways to go before I put them in the same class as the great symphonic black metal acts but their debut is something to build on. As an debut album it’s close to a 4, hence the score, but as a whole with everything they have created around it I could easily give this a close 5.

I welcome Zornheym with open arms and let their madness take me. This is a solid debut with some ups and downs and I can’t wait to hear, and see, what they come up with next.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zornheym
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/zornheym
Label: Non Serviam Records
For fans of: Dimmu Borgir and Septicflesh
Favorite song: Whom the Night Brings
Score: 3.5/5

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