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The Hundred-Foot Journey (2008)

by Richard C. Morais(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 2
1439165645 (ISBN13: 9781439165645)
review 1: I really liked this book. I felt like this book stayed loyal to the different cuisines that they talked about in the book and also told a story of sacrifice, love and loss. I feel like the way the author split the book into sections based on location set the tone of the story a lot. There was a lot of stories in each of the cities that the main character resided in that helped shape his career and life a lot. The way the story was told was also extremely funny and realistic. I felt like I could relate to the characters at any point of their lives. Another good thing is that the author didn't try to sugarcoat anything, but didn't really give everything away either. I recommend this book to anyone that loves food and wants an honest and extraordinary s... moretory.
review 2: Jag är en person som vill läsa boken innan jag ser filmen. För några månader sedan hittade jag trailern till en film baserad på detta verk. I filmen spelar den underbara och skickliga Helen Mirren en fransk gourmand. Jag började genast leta på Karlskoga bibliotek efter boken men insåg snart att inget förlag ännu publicerat den. Bara att vänta vilket leder till att jag kommer läsa boken mycket nära inpå filmen. I skrivande stund anar jag att filmen kommer vara bättre än boken. less
Reviews (see all)
A friend of mine saw the movie and recommended I read this book. I liked it.
Hmmmm. It is a nice book, an easy read, but it left me a bit unsatisfied.
Lovely food descriptions, but lacked a true narrative thread.
Expected to love it. Couldn't finish it. Just too slow.
Enjoyed the first part of the book.
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