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Monuments Men (2009)

by Robert M. Edsel(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 5
1599952653 (ISBN13: 9781599952659)
Center Street
review 1: I checked out this book because I heard the movie was excellent and because I've been reading a lot about WWII lately. Unfortunately, I did not actually finish this book because, in addition to the fact that it still had not really held my attention by page 88, at that same point the author had described the character of George Stout as "dapper" no fewer than 10 times. It was so distracting that I came to dread seeing the name "George Stout" because I KNEW the word "dapper" would be somewhere very nearby and I figured if the author couldn't be more creative in his word use, the story probably wouldn't get any better either. It is very rare for me to stop reading a book, but this one drove me to it.
review 2: I think I would have given it 3 stars, had I not star
... moreted reading this book with the expectation of action and excitement. I've seen the trailer for the movie and assumed the book would include Monuments Men sneaking behind enemy lines to save precious art. Instead, they seemed hindered by bureaucracy and attempted to halt further destruction of historical locations *after* the battles were already completed. However, I acknowledge and praise the work they accomplished in tracking down the places where Germans were hiding stolen pieces of art. It took great effort to track down where they belong and go through everything. Nevertheless, I was still disappointed there wasn't more adventure. less
Reviews (see all)
It was an awesome book. I cannot wait to watch the movie.
Amazing book about a part of war not often thought about
A great read! Very well done.
An excellent read
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