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The Harem Midwife (2013)

by Roberta Rich(Favorite Author)
3.58 of 5 Votes: 5
0385676662 (ISBN13: 9780385676663)
Doubleday Canada
Midwife series
review 1: Hannah and Isaac Levi (and their adopted son Matteo) have escaped Venice, and made a new life for themselves in Constantinople, 1579. Isaac runs a business in the silk trade and Hanna is rumoured to be the best midwife in Constantinople and as such, works a the palace of Sultan Murat III, as the midwife to the harem. Hannah is called to ascertain the purity of a new acquisition. Leah. When Hannah meets her she feels compassion for the impossible position she is in and hides the truth. If she pronounces Leah not suitable, she will be sold to one of the city's brothels. At home, Isaac's brother's widow Grazia arrives to collect the 100 ducats owed to her deceased husband. They are unable to pay the debt so a rabbi is invited to resolve the issue. And the resolve is th... moreat a childless widow is considered married to her deceased husband's brother. Hannah is outraged that an interloper has entered her nest and there doesn't seem to be any way to protect her husband, her child or herself from the evil that this woman has brought into her life. Her husband Isaac seems quite charmed by the outcome, however.Hannah is a strong-willed and intelligent woman. She seeks a way to save Leah who has caught the Sultan's eye and works to dispose of Grazia.
review 2: I enjoyed this book! It's a historical fiction novel set in Constantinople about a Jewish midwife from Venice who finds herself living in Constantinople with her silk weaver husband. I always appreciate it when a book can surprise me, and find an ending I didn't see coming. With that said, it was one of those books I enjoy reading but wouldn't think about wanting to read again a year from now. Part of that is probably my own bias towards a little more history and a little less fiction in my historical fiction. That's just nit picking, though, this is an enjoyable read and certainly worth your time! less
Reviews (see all)
This follows on closely from the first book, and like its predecessor, this is a real page turner.
I like the idea of this book but the characters are predictable and the endings too perfect-
I didn't like it very much. I got to about half way and it just didn't keep me interested.
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