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La Buena Digestión: En 10 Días Elimina Toxinas, Limpia Tu Intestino Y Olvídate De La Inflamación (2014)

by Robynne Chutkan(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This book is easy to read and chalk full of information and limited stories. It would have made my life exceptionally easier a few years ago. All good information except that she hasn't adopted the need for good fats to her diet recommendations in this book. For simplicities sake, she is correct, the fat in the SAD is not good for you. However it would be good to talk about essential fat ;-) I recommend this book to anyone age 40+ not just women (she states that this informative book is for men too)!
review 2: For years I've dealt with mild digestion problems that seem to amp up following the birth of child #3. Finally spoke to my doctor about it two years ago and she suggested an over the counter remedy to treat the symptoms. It helped, but all the while I'm w
... moreondering, "shouldn't I be addressing the problem instead of the symptoms?" I so wish I could see this doctor in person. She is relentless in finding the cause of a patient's problems which I really appreciate. Most doctors hand you a script, send you out the door, and wish you best of luck.Like many other reviewers mentioned, the title is misleading. The 10-day plan takes up very few pages near the end of the book. It should be titled: Gutbliss: every possible cause of bloating discussed at length. So, I'm going off the OTC med and following some of her suggestions. We'll see what happens . . . less
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I found this to be highly informative and, surprisingly, a fun read.
Great information, especially for women.
Great book, very informative.
We shall see. I start today.
4.5 stars
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