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Michael Jordan: The Life (2014)

by Roland Lazenby(Favorite Author)
4.08 of 5 Votes: 4
0316194778 (ISBN13: 9780316194778)
Little, Brown and Company
review 1: For six years while my oldest child was growing up we were glued to our television during May and June to watch the NBA playoffs as ardent Chicago Bulls fans. I was lucky enough to even go to a Bulls game in the Old Chicago Stadium to see his "airness" fly. This book brings the sports legend firmly down to earth. At times the writing is overwrought - so much so that my younger son and I made fun of several passages as we listened to it while driving to New York. There are a great many distressing details about Michael Jordan's family and his parents were walking contradictions. This book is another reminder that there is an arrogance that comes with greatness. I can visit a Frank Lloyd Wright home and see his genius in every detail. Likewise I can watch the artistry of Mic... morehael Jordan on the basketball court and be amazed at how that man moved. And yet with both men, there are countless detractors who will line up to talk about the poor treatment these geniuses gave to the rest of us mere mortals. I don't think I gained much insight into the man other than he used every slight to fuel and unstoppable competitive drive.
review 2: Michael Jordan: The Life is easily one of the best books I’ve ever read. It starts all the way from Michael Jordan’s great grandfather and talks all the way up through Michael Jordan’s life and his basketball career. As explained by Roland Lazenby, “Michael Jordan books are as common as internet cat videos,” but Lazenby’s book is still different from all the others and in my opinion better. Normally I don’t have the commitment to read a book that is any more than 250 pages because I will get bored too easily and give up. Although this book was almost 700 pages long I couldn’t stop reading it. I learned so much about Michael Jordan that I never realized ever happened. I also found this book to be very inspiring. Most basketball players look up to Michael Jordan but if one is to ever become like him at all they need to learn what drove him to do the things he did and I really enjoyed seeing the way Michael’s mind worked. I always thought of Michael as this easy going, friendly player who just had a ton of talent and to some point that is true but there really is a much bigger side to him than that that made him the greatest player ever. Overall I think Lazenby did an incredible job on this book. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves the game of basketball or is a big Michael Jordan fan. It truly is one of my favorite reads. less
Reviews (see all)
This book is very thorough, it confirms, and also discredits many of the Jordan myth stories.
It's an amazing look into the life and playing career of the greatest athlete of all time.
Insightful & Brutally Honest!
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