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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (2013)

by Sable Hunter(Favorite Author)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 4
Beau Coup Publishing
Hell Yeah!
review 1: Although, this book is not about one of the McCoy brothers, it is still set in the same county, and is about their good friend, Sheriff Kane Saucier, a handsome, considerate, and trust worthy friend. He happens to meet Lilibet Ladner, who sells lunches from a cart, because no one will hire her, due to some physical disabilities, that she was born with. She has noticed the handsome sheriff and finally gets up the courage to enter his office, to ask if they want to participate in her lunch program. Poor Kane is floored, he is a goner from the moment he lays his eyes on her. Little Bit, as he calls her cannot believe that someone like Kane could possibly be interested in her. They have to make it through some obstacles first, her brother, his ex-wife and some of the narrow mi... morended town people. This book is loaded with hot, sexy romance, suspense, and love. We also still get a glimpse of the McCoy family, because they hire Lilibet, to help out with the cooking chores at Tebow. This series just keeps getting better and better, kudos to Sable Brown.
review 2: A Brown Eyed Handsome Man by Sable Hunter 5/5 Stars Just AwesomeWhat I’ve really come to love about Sable Hunter is she does not shy away from things, nothing is taboo, so far we have had cancer, dyslexia, surrogacy, paralysis, faith healing, in this book our heroine Lilibet has a limp, which is the way she was born, however the reaction she gets just leaves me cold, what difference does it make to a person’s personality if they limp or not?Kane is not only the town Sheriff but also a friend to the McCoy boys, he is such a gentleman and is so gentle to Lilibet, don’t get me wrong he can be a real bad ass if he wants to be, and what he thought was a sleepy town he had come to sure had a hellva lot going on and he has his hands, however the only thing he wants as a handful is Lilibet. Kane is also hit by a shock revelation, miss unstandings and more trouble than you could shake a stick at I love how Sable has really strong females as her heroines, and these females really don’t see just how strong they are, Lilibet is no exception, she strides to make her small business work to provide money not only for herself, but also to help her brother, she can’t see why Kane could ever be interested in her.As usual they is more than one story going on at the same time with plenty of twists and turns, Sables books never end on a cliff-hanger, they just leave you wanting more less
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Love at first sight. Whirlwind romance. Love it! Kane is another alpha hero in full protector mode.
Great edition to the Hell Yeah! series. Love how things all tie together.
One of my favorites of the series!
Loved Kane!
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