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The Fires Of Atlantis (Purge Of Babylon, Book 4) (2014)

by Sam Sisavath(Favorite Author)
4.51 of 5 Votes: 4
Road to Babylon Media
review 1: I don't know why this series gets such great reviews. It is an interesting story with realistic story settings but the story development regarding the adversaries wasn't developed beyond what is mentioned in the first book. I'm left with questions like, "where did the ghouls come from?" All this plotting and planning must have occurred somewhere but the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th books are really just reiterations of the 1st one in the series.The best thing about this last book is learning about the FHM tactical shotgun. Sounds like I need one of those.
review 2: I pre-ordered this book a while ago but was lucky enough to get an advance copy to read. I was so excited, I stayed up all night to finish this book and was holding my breath through most of it. The inten
... moresity and action of this book, compared to the previous, was off the charts. The relationships between the characters we all love are still there and the loose ends get tied up somewhat but the action was unbelievable. I didn't think Sam could top the “incident with the car” but the ghouls are getting smarter. Literally. Blue eyed, faster than freaks, immune to silver, highly intelligent ghouls. Who. Can. Talk! I went through most of my fingernails while I was reading because there were so many intense moments and I was so afraid for the character in the middle of it. The characters that Sam writes are so well done that you find yourself cheering or gasping or afraid to read the next page because you’re that drawn into the story. And I will never look at a U-Haul again without wondering…? Another thing that made me smile was the different places they find to “hole up“. A cemetery crypt, an RV, a bar basement and a museum? Anyone preparing for the zombie apocalypse should take note of Sam’s books. I've stated it before but these books are amazingly well written. From the characters and the relationships to the settings and the sounds, Sam makes you feel what he’s writing. This has become my favorite series of books and I can say no more except Read These Books! less
Reviews (see all)
Amazing for a book 4. I cannot wait till book 5. This series keeps up the excitement!
Still fantastic! Still addictive, and I still want more!I love this series!
Better than the average sorta zombie vampire series fiction.
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