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The Gates Of Byzantium (2014)

by Sam Sisavath(Favorite Author)
4.35 of 5 Votes: 3
Road to Babylon Media
Purge of Babylon
review 1: This is the beginning of a great series. Mr. Sisavath puts a unique twist on the undead/zombie apocalypse. So much so that I feel you cannot place this series in the zombie genre. This is a fast paced ride so buckle up and do yourself a favor; don't get too attached to anyone. In Mr. Sisavath's world everyone is fair game.If you don't like stories with multiple story tellers you should avoid this series but you will be missing out on a great read. Plenty of humor and great characters from the main to supporting. Take your favorite buddy/action movie and that is Mike and Danny. Think "Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man" at the end of the world. And yes that was a great buddy movie.
review 2: 4.5 stars, really.This one didn't draw me in as completely as the fir
... morest one, though I'm not exactly sure why. The pacing was still superb and all the important characters continued to be fleshed out, which is admirable considering how much action is stuffed into this guy's books. I am, completely, 100% ready for the next book in this series and will be ordering the minute I see it has been released on Amazon. less
Reviews (see all)
Very good, didn't let down after first book, and not short like average zombie/postapocalyptic book
Better than the average sorta zombie vampire series fiction.
Holy hell.... The best zombie book I've ever read.
I can't wait for the third book!
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