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Love And Leftovers (2011)

by Sarah Tregay(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 5
0062023586 (ISBN13: 9780062023582)
Katherine Tegen Books
review 1: Pleasantly surprised at how emotional this book was able to get because its written format was in a free-flowing free verse poetry style. Unique and Fast Read. I enjoyed it more than expected. It told the story and while drama... drama... drama of a teen sort of became overwhelming, the way it was written helped keep the frustration of this adult to a bare minimum and the focus on the feelings that I remember all too well having been a teen once.
review 2: I loved this ones so much I had to hug it to my chest when I was done...seriously. I was hooked by the second poem, and I usually read with the TV on in the background (volleying back and forth between TV and reading, but I had to turn it off because Love and Leftovers required every piece of my attention. I
... moredidn't want to miss a single moment or word. I laughed, I cried, and I fell in love just like Marcie. I first fell in love when I discovered it was written in verse because I'm a huge fan of poetry (been writing my own journals like Marcie since I was in jr. high) and feel like sometimes it says more with pauses and line breaks than words ever could. I also fell in love with Marcie as a character. I totally related to her and her journey. I wanted to save her from making the mistakes she did, but she needed to make them in order to learn from them. I understood her doubts about Linus especially after what happened with her dad. I related to her crazy journey of parents going through divorce and being so lonely that you just needed someone to hold you. I got it, every single second, and I didn't want it to end. I also loved Marcie's group of friends, the Leftovers. I was 100% a Leftover in high school with my mish mosh group of friends. Each one had a different story to tell and you got to see bits and pieces of it through Marcie. Oh, and Linus...my heart broke for him and Marcie but their story felt so real and believable in a crazy sort of way. I really could probably go on and on, but for now I'm just going to go bask in my book hangover. less
Reviews (see all)
this is my first time reading a verse novel... not sure if I like it or not. But I like the story
it was a good stories and I like how in the end it just related back to Linus
How to read it cuz I m new here
Cute ya read
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