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How To Grow Up And Rule The World, By Vordak The Incomprehensible (2011)

by Scott Seegert(Favorite Author)
4.41 of 5 Votes: 2
1606840134 (ISBN13: 9781606840139)
Vordak the Incomprehensible
review 1: This book represents a lot of content for your dollar. It's a more sophisticated version of the kind of goofiness you get from Captain Underpants. I read it to my 8 year old. It was not real easy for a read-aloud, because of the advanced vocabulary; i.e. heavy on big words used in a funny pompous manner. Also not super easy for a read-aloud due to the large quantity of fun illustrations. And the chapters are long, 20 pages with quite a bit of dense text so it was hard to find obvious stopping points.But here again, per the reaction of the little critic, this one was a big winner. And unlike a lot of lightweight chapter books, I think we'll hold on to this one to be read again, next time not by me, when the reading skills improve some more.
review 2: Scholast
... moreic should be ashamed to pump this stuff out. We are parents of kids that we want to raise in a sweet and loving household. We want them to be good citizens, show kindness, and be respectful. This is the worst book that I have ever read, and the super-hero-like front cover got my 6 year old's eye. The worst mistake. The book calls kindness and empathy for others weak and for goobers, or losers. This isn't funny. It isn't even tolerable. With all of the great kid's books out there, this will be tossed after we bring it up with the school that they have to remove this from the next book fair. This was sold at an elementary book fair, to our impressionable child. There has been criticism over the violence of video-games, or the sex and language of movies and TV shows, but the literature that is attempting to be handed to our kids has to be checked also. Adults have the discernment and judgement to be able to call this junk, or to indulge a goofy sense of humor, but if it is marketed to kids, then the company and author should have a higher degree of civic responsibility than to peddle this immature and disrespectful book.I warn any parent, with the most sincere conviction, not to allow their kids to read or even own this book. It gives bad ideas and evil thoughts to our kids. I have a decent sense of humor, but as a parent I will never allow this handbook on narcissism, disrespect, and uncivil childishness in my home. Luckily it was on sale. This is junk, and Scott Seegert should stick to adult books. Would he allow his three kids to be subject to mindless rude behavior, violence to society, and disrespect if it was not written by him? less
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Booktalk note: read the back of the book out loud and all do an evil laugh (muahahahaha!) together
very funny although some parts are a little grusome
This book was funny and an fast read.
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