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Jump (2013)

by Sean Williams(Favorite Author)
3.4 of 5 Votes: 2
1743315864 (ISBN13: 9781743315866)
Allen & Unwin
review 1: This book is great! The author did a great job of making all of the chapters cliff hangers that leave you with questions and suspense. This book is a giant mystery! When you think you figure one thing out you learn you are wrong and end up being surprised with the outcome. Everyone of the chapters is full of action and suspense. I would recommend this book to people who like the genre mystery and who like action in their books!
review 2: I have picked up this book to read it about five to six times. I only read a little at a time. I finally had to put the book down at page 134. This is a great feat in its self. I so wanted to like this book more than I did. It just jumped around too much without much explanation. It would have helped if the world that Clair and
... more Libby were living in was described in details better. In fact, I did not realize that this story was more on the futuristic side. Not that I minded but with these types of books, you need to have a good understanding of the world to fully enjoy the story This did not happen for me. Also, I did not feel the strong friendship bond that Clair and Libby shared, so to me Libby came off as a mean girl. Again, the biggest reason I put this book down is I don't want to spend all my time trying to figure out what the story is about by sometimes re-reading sections. I just want to sit back enjoy the book and the characters. No such luck here. less
Reviews (see all)
well as you can see i only got as far as the first page of this stupid book
Wow, last few pages were seriously intense... Definitely a favourite!
Great idea, great concept, but second half became a bit lost
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