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Una Singularidad Desnuda (2014)

by Sergio De La Pava(Favorite Author)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 4
8494052989 (ISBN13: 9788494052989)
Pálido Fuego
review 1: By the end of the first chapter, I pretty knew I would love this book. Casi is a Public Defendant in New York (as is Sergio de la Pava) and when we first encounter him, it's while he's picking up his next caseload from all the recently arrested people - some interesting characters to be sure. We get plenty of insight into his workday, but there are also chapters about his Colombian-American family, his neighbors and their Linklater-esque musing on reality, boxing, and a quest for "perfection" that introduces a heist element in the latter part of the book. Long, but worth it for me.
review 2: This book is astonishing. It is a marathon to read, being 860+ pages long, but it is riveting. Partly this is because De La Pava has a command of language to match Joyc
... moree, Garcia Marquez or Coleridge. Partly it is because he is a consummate storyteller. And partly it is because he goes off into glorious tangents about the history of boxing, the physical components of the universe, and a detailed knowledge of the practice of law in the USA, and especially New York State. And none of it is boring.In the middle of all this, there is a story about two New York lawyers getting caught up in robbing a drugs cartel, one of whom does this in search of "perfection", whatever that mkight be. Certainly the consequences of their actions are not perfect, but you will have to read the book to find out what happens because I am not going to tell you. There is also a man with the mental age of 8 facing the death penalty in Alabama, who flits in and out of the narrative. De La Pava holds all this together with consummate skill. Do not let the length of the book put you off. On every page there are items that fascinate, and it is a joy to read. less
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Fine, sprawling fiction -- able to be both absurdly funny and genuinely affecting.
Very good, except for the boxing references
The TRUE DETECTIVE of books.
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